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Anyone good with dreams? Because this is crazy and I don't know what to make of it!!


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OMG! Last night was a night full of crazy dreams. Let me give you a little background info before I go into the details of the dreams. I happen to really like this one guy, and I think he's perfect for me, and vice versa. I haven't told him about my feelings for him for a lot of reasons, and I know that the time is coming when I'll have to tell him, and that time is soon! Last night, I had a night full of dreams all centered around him. Please please please tell me what you think!!!

Dream 1:


I pulled up to his house and knocked on the door. I was hoping that either him or his brother would answer. However, his sister answered the door. So I asked for him, and his mom was behind the second door and asked her daughter who it was. So I stepped around and introduced myself. Then, I believe it was his aunt, was on the staircase and said she knew who I was, and that Katie (a mutual workfriend) had told her all about me, but she said she'd keep my secret quiet. I assumed that she knew that I liked her nephew. After that, the mom said that he had some gala to go to and was trying to push him into getting ready so he'd leave a bit early and get there on time. Knowing that he's late for everything I said "Goodluck with that!" and she started laughing so hard and said that no one outside of the family has ever been that bold in saying that he's always late. We were both laughing when this guy came down the stairs. As he was walking down the stairs I realized that I had no good reason to be there. I wasn't invited, and I couldn't think of why I was there. I started to panic, I thought about just leaving but realized that the moment I stepped in the door I had reached the point of no return. Then it hit me, I had to tell him how I felt, right then. I started to get nervous as he walked up to me. We exchanged greetings and I complimented him on his outfit (he was wearing a button up shirt and I LOVE guys in button up collared shirts). Then I realized that I had to say something, but his mom was still standing there, then his dad came over! I turned and said hi to his dad. I couldn't very well say anything to him with his parents there, so I froze. All of a sudden, his entire family came out into the foyer. There was a sleepover going on with teenaged girls, and I knew one of them. Oddly enough, it was a girl I mentor, but in my mind she was his sister. We got talking and laughing (btw, the guy just disappeared when the family came out) and I sat down with the other girls. After a while I remembered my objective of the visit. I looked around for him but he was gone. So I got up to leave. Said my goodbyes, and when I opened the door I woke up.


Dream 2: (A continuation of dream one with some modifications)


This dream took place at his house, but it wasn't his house, it was a different house with glass front doors. I knocked on the door and his mom answered, she said hi, obviously remembering me. We had a brief conversation and she said that I was welcome at their house anytime. I thanked her and asked if the guy was home. She said no that he was out with his cousins, but that I could leave a note for him in his room. Oddly enough, I knew how to get to his room (strange how in dreams you know where everything is). So I went up there and walked in. It was a normal room, his computer was on and signed on to AIM. I looked at the screen to see where my name ranked on the list, and much to my delight it was first. I decided to not leave a note and to come back later. So, I left. The next day I decided to leave him something. I walked up the the front door in a UPS outfit, I don't know why or where I got it. The door was unlocked so I walked in. The thing I had made him was a poster of the top ten reasons why I liked him, and a cake. I put it in a box and addressed it to him. I left it inside and walked out. As I was leaving, his dad started walking around from the back. He had seen me enter the house I guess. But I ignored him and left, fast! Later that night, I went back over there. His brother was home, and invited me to stay for dinner and play cards. The guy still hadn't come home. So, myself, his brother, and about 4 other people started playing cards. Although I was disappointed that the guy wasn't there, I still enjoyed my time with his family. Thats when I noticed that the top ten reasons why I liked this guy poster that I made was framed and above the fireplace, and his dad was serving the cake! I was so upset that his family had opened up his mail! I just wanted to leave. I followed his sister, she was going to get me out. We walked by a window and she said duck, but it was too late. The rest of the family had already seen me and we now had to go join them in the family room to watch a movie. I watched for a bit, then got up and said I needed to use the restroom. I went up to his room. I decided I was going to leave a note for him to call me. When I got up there I saw two separate beds made up on the floor, and my sister was there, eating the cake I made for him! I ended up not leaving a note for him and just left. So, day three comes around. I go to the house.. again. I didn't even bother knocking this time, I just went in. I figured I'd do my thing then get out of there. I made another poster and decided to leave it in his room. There was an extra couch/chair sitting in the living room, and for some reason I thought I should box up the poster with the couch and give them to him. So, I did. I finally get it up to his room, position it and then his mom comes up. I start to panic thinking that his family is going to hate me because I'm in there house without permission. I hide. His mom asks about the couch downstairs (apparently it was his to begin with), I popped up and saw that she had bought another one! She thought someone had taken it so she went out and replaced it. We both laughed. Then, my cell phone rang. It was him! He asked if I was still at his house, and he sounded kind of angry. I told him yes but I was leaving, and he told me to stay. I woke up...


Dream 3: (Lets pick up where we left off)


So, I'm not sure what happened, but my dream picks up the next day. I went back over there, and up to his room. My sister was there, and she said that he had read half of the poster and was at the house today! I got nervous, knowing that he had an idea of why I had been doing all these things. There was some type of formal event going on at the house. I went downstairs to talk to his family and they handed me a lavender dress and told me I needed to get it on. I woke up again...


Well there they are. I had another one but I don't remember any of it. I just know that my family was with his family. I am totally confused. I woke up and had no idea what to make of these dreams. Any ideas?

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There is nothing to worry about. This is only a reflection of worries and fears buried in your subconsious mind. Just forget about your fears and concerns. Lead your own life and go. They will eventually disappear otherwise you will continue to have them. You need to train yourself to be in control.

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I don't know anything about dreams but that was one heak of a dream that connects to another dream.


I have had dreams in the past that comes back in the same night and I havent ever understood that either.

I hope someone can share some light on this for you, it would be intresting to see what others think. :)

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Your dreams are about your brain processing things from your day - everything from news you hear to places you go to things you think about. Then your brain takes all those things and knits them into a dream that has significance only for you because it's made up of things from your own brain. They don't have any other significance; they are symbolic to you. Maybe it's important to you that a bf's family like you so that was part of your dreams. But really only you can connect the dots.

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I agree with Sami.

Your dreams are from things that go on in your mind during the day. Just relax and do not worry so much.

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Thank you " Beautiful" for saying that. It is soooooo lovely when it comes that way in my way to make my day. It couldn't be better.

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Here's how I interpret dreams:


Whatever happens in your dreams is meaningless. But what you feel in the dream is important. If you feel a certain kind of fear or anxiety in the dream, or anger, frustration, whatever, you can generally identify something in real life that has been causing you to feel the same way. That's what the dream is really about.

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I don't know how to interpret a dream like that but I was interested in the telephone conversation.

To me a phone conversation in a dream is important. I look at both sides of the conversation. he told you to stay. I don't know your situation but perhaps he is interested or would be happy to hear you are. Check out the phone conversation aspect in a dream book or online dreamers dictionary.

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I don't really believe dreams always have to do with what you are thinking about when you are awake. I have had some crazy dreams, but one in particular stands out, and I never could make out what it meant.


I was riding with a friend down the interstate, and it was one of those gloomy days, raining and everything. We seen a girl walking so we decided to give her a ride. I got out and she climbed in between us. Well we was ridin along and I looked over at her and noticed she had hear head in her hands like she was crying. Trying to be nice, I asked what was wrong, and when she looked up, blood was coming from her eyes then her head exploded, and I woke up.


It still freaks me out till this day. Maybe I sound crazy for even having a dream like that. I don't know why it came about, it just did. I just feel, sometimes dreams do have a hidden meaning, sometimes they don't, and almost all the time, you'll never know if they do or not.

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