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LONG--------ex-girlfriend still in his book

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My B/F and I had a huge argument yesterday. We rarely fight but there is a problem that has haunted me for 2 years and it is his ex-girlfirend. I have known my guy for over 15 years and eventually the relationship blossomed into love and things were great except for one thing......his ex-girlfriend who wouldn't go away. He and I are both musicians and she would show up at gigs and what not and I finally said to him "If she is showing up, it's YOUR fault. I wouldn't be trying to get back with an ex-boyfriend if I knew in no uncertain terms, that he wasn't coming back......get rid of her and this problem." So she would show up occasionally and he wouldn't speak to her and it seemed like things were cool. About 6 weeks later, I'm driving past his house and whammo, she's there. I confronted him and eh said that she had been his hairdresser for years and was cutting his hair. I said, well, you can get a new haridresser or a new girlfriend. Decide now. And she was gone, or so it seemed. That was 1 1/2 years ago.

This woman has been a thorn in my side. I don't like her and I don't want her around.

Well, things started to heat up between him and I and we started to talk about buying a house about 4 months ago.( Neither of us has been married , he;s 50 next month and I'm 39) So, that is a huge deal for both of us as you can imagine.

Anyway, this is where we are at today.

This week, he has been on holidays and next week, I am on holidays as I am going to visit family on the east coast and he couldn't go. Well, he was going to come to my place on Wednesday night this week, and I didn't hear from him. He was supposed to come over Thursday night, and he never called. ( I didn't speak to him from early evening on Wed, he was supposed to call me back, but didn't) Well, last week-end, he left his calendar at my house by accident. I thought, "wow, great opportunity to see what week-end he is off in September, it's his 50th and I'll take him away for the night!" So, I look in his calendar book and on the second page is her name and number 'taped' in and a few other mumbers of people we know as well. Five other women's numbers in the book as well I might add but I know all of them except for one. SO, I am P***ed like you would not believe but didn't say anything at the time. Just started to really watch him.

So, after He doesn't call me back on Wednesday night and I don't hear from him on Thursday night, I find he's gone to a bar in his area but leaves early and goes home alone. On Friday morning he calls on my way to work and I ignore my cell.....I am P****d so I think I'll wait until I can be calm.

I called him back yesterday afternoon at 1:00.......he is out of breath saying he's been ssoooooooo busy cleaning out the garage etc. I say "Hm, really......so where have you been for 2 days?" He says, "oh, I've been busy clenaing out the house, organizing the garage ets..blah, blah, blah." I say "really? where were you last night?" He says slowly that he went to this bar and got a gig for the band and was only there about 1 1/2 hours. " I say. hm....." well, you know what? I think there's a third person in this relaionship that I don't know about , I'd like to know who you're seeing." He denies that he's seeing anyone. I said "well, you know what else, I looked in your calendar on SUnday to see what week-end you're off in September and you know why? Because I was going to surprise you and take you away for the night for your brthday, but I'm the one who got surprised! You know what I foudn? Angie's number taped into your second page and you have disappeared for 2 days of your holidays and to me, it looks like you're Fu****g around. He gets angry and says he's not and I say "well, how does it look like you aren't? He says he soesn't care how it looks and if I wanted to know what week-end he was off, why didn't I ask. I said that I'm glad I looked because I wouldn't have known that he was still talking to Angie. He said F*** you and I hung up. Well, now, what do you guys think?

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if you really want to know what i think. i think your a bit clingy and neurotic, sorry. :rolleyes:

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