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Do I ask him out?

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Do I ask him out?


Okay, I met a guy at the apartments I live in because I work in the office. I was instantly attracted to him and he moved in with a male roommate. Well we have all hung out a few times and the roommate ends up trying to hit on me. I turned him down and we all still all friends. BUT, I like the other guy and we have gone out alone two times and we have drinks and good conversation, there is flirting but he wont make a move! I dont know if he likes me or not and I dont know how to approach asking him out on a "real" date without looking like a dork. I feel like if I dont do or say something we will be stagnet like this forever. If he liked me wouldnt he be doing something more to show it? How can I test the waters some more without being to obvious.. Help!



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Next time he flirts with you, tease him with a line like, "So are you going to ask me out or what?" See what he says. Joke that he's all talk if he says, no, just to ease things over.


As for why he hasn't made a move, could be anything: It may be he doesn't know you like him. It may be he doesn't want to upset his roommate. It may be he doesn't like you that way.


I have to add, though, that it might not be a good idea to meet guys through work. After all, they'll still be residents there if things don't work out. You'll have to see them, may have to interact. It's common enough -- but often more complicated than it's worth. Plus, if you see more than one guy this way, you might get a rep.


-- uriel

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