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I think more about her than my self, killer

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Right where to start,

I have like this woman for 3 years, but I have always thorough she was to good for me. So I never tried to get to know her, but just over xmas I went out on the drink, I wasn't pissed or sober just right to have a good time,

As I was dancing away, as we do, she was there on the dance floor looking amazing, I never try to dance with her, like I said before, I don't stand a chance, but when I was dancing on my own loving life, bang there she was in front of me with both of her hands out asking for a dance, and what did I do, nothing as I locked up, bang she gone. I can't believe I done it, where did I do that. I am really gutted I missed this chance, the chance that might not come again,


After this happening, my head has been going round in circles thinking about this woman, I haven't had this feeling in a long time 4 5 years. I have been working hard the last 4 years, I just haven't thorough about a woman like this, it is really wired for me to have this feeling in side of me,


I am friends with her on FB, have been for ages, but we never chatted.

So I sent a message on fb say ( Hay :) ) that's all I said, and I have poked her once, and I have had nothing back, gutting! no messege.


So I have a problem, is she playing hard to get, I don't mean it as a game.

I mean love, rose, dates, romantic, dose she want to step up and make a dream, I just don't want to make a jerk out of my self, because she knows the same people as I do,


So do I get up and start trying, and ask her out on a date face to face,

or do I let her go.


Thanks for reading,

sorry for any bad spelling,

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When you want someone that bad there is no hurt in trying. More credit if you actually try then not trying at all. One thing is boost your confidence and ask her close friends about her, if you can't get her to talk to you via FB. Her friends will talk her and tell her in conversation that you asked about her. This will get her curiosity and begin think that you are interest in her. Never sound desperate when you ask about her to her friends. Ask simple and casual things. A hay is not enough to get her attention. Every guy does that and poking her is just being creepy.

Best is to try to set the scene up like your night where you could of dance with her. Actually approach her with confidence and pick up a conversation with her. Be casual and not desperate calm and collected. Once you have her number or she begins to respond. Don't go all out and ask her out right away. Make sure you do a push and pull. Meaning act interested in her for a little bit and than pull out. This will drive her nuts and would make her think that she can't have you. That is where the fun begins.

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Go for it mate..try and get her number if you can and txt her or failing that a quick hey gutted I didn't get chance to throw some shapes with you when I saw you but how about we grab a coffee sometime? End of the day if she likes you she will respond via mail. simple as that. Just be prepared for the fall big guy.... I have similar situation got blew out and feel gutted..like you its the first time I have liked a girl properly for sometime. Best of luck mate

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hey, you've got the hots for her, that's good, happy for you, mate!


No idea what to tell you to do, but I can give you one advice: women are usually served all sort of BS, so if she brushed you off, don't back out! We all - all women - secretly wish they'd find a guy who'd fight for them, so in my book, consistency is the best, most seductive and more secure weapon. Even more than reliability ;) !


Bite the bullet, fight your fears and go for it!

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Right where to start,

I have like this woman for 3 years, but I have always thorough she was to good for me. So I never tried to get to know her, but just over xmas I went out on the drink, I wasn't pissed or sober just right to have a good time,

As I was dancing away, as we do, she was there on the dance floor looking amazing, I never try to dance with her, like I said before, I don't stand a chance, but when I was dancing on my own loving life, bang there she was in front of me with both of her hands out asking for a dance, and what did I do, nothing as I locked up, bang she gone. I can't believe I done it, where did I do that. I am really gutted I missed this chance, the chance that might not come again,


After this happening, my head has been going round in circles thinking about this woman, I haven't had this feeling in a long time 4 5 years. I have been working hard the last 4 years, I just haven't thorough about a woman like this, it is really wired for me to have this feeling in side of me,


I am friends with her on FB, have been for ages, but we never chatted.

So I sent a message on fb say ( Hay :) ) that's all I said, and I have poked her once, and I have had nothing back, gutting! no messege.


So I have a problem, is she playing hard to get, I don't mean it as a game.

I mean love, rose, dates, romantic, dose she want to step up and make a dream, I just don't want to make a jerk out of my self, because she knows the same people as I do,


So do I get up and start trying, and ask her out on a date face to face,

or do I let her go.


Thanks for reading,

sorry for any bad spelling,


Dont beat yourself up for freezing up, its ok, and the hey on facebook....not every one answers pokes and heys.......ask her out in person, or as the other poster said ask about her how

she is what she is up to with your mutual friends, just in passing conversation, that way they may pass the message on that you have been asking about her, otherwise ask her straight up...go you kamikaze you...I lock up often with people i like or want to get to know, i get high anxiety,because i am invested in them fro whatever reason, but i still ask, even though i feel numb fingers adn fuzzy headed.....i cheated though and told the guy over the phone...even kamikazes need buffers....;0)...it didnt amount to anything for me this time, a shame, but i have no regrets for telling him, nearly all of the time i get to know the guys i open up to, and i don't do it very often, i would think you dont either,I think it might bode well for you, so good luck kamikaze....do it with no regrets.......deb

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