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race matter


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first of all, i feel that whenever i like a different race (black or white) that he might not want to go out with me because i am hispanic. i dont feel ashamed of my race, but thats the way i feel, unless they showed some kind of interest like they have asked me out in the past. i know im pretty but whenit comes to a different race, it becomes different. second of all. my mom wont let me go out with black boys. last time she found out i was going out with a black guy she flipped and didnt speak to me for 2 days straight! i didnt think it was right and now i still like some black boys but i want to be able to go out with them without having my mom get all mad at me. weird thing though my mom married my white stepdad. ??? what should i do about both of my problems???? please help me?!!

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first of all, i feel that whenever i like a different race (black or white) that he might not want to go out with me because i am hispanic. i dont feel ashamed of my race, but thats the way i feel, unless they showed some kind of interest like they have asked me out in the past. i know im pretty but whenit comes to a different race, it becomes different. second of all. my mom wont let me go out with black guys. last time she found out i was going out with a black guy she flipped and didnt speak to me for 2 days straight! i didnt think it was right and now i still like some black guys but i want to be able to go out with them without having my mom get all mad at me. weird thing though my mom married my white stepdad. ??? what should i do about both of my problems???? please help me?!!
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Most men are attracted to nice looking Hispanic ladies so you don't have a problem there. Your problem is in your own attitude about yourself. You have to stop feeling that men will reject you because you are Hispanic. Men accept or reject women depending on whether or not they are attracted to them...not their ethnic origin.


While I don't think it is at all fair for your mother to dictate what men you can go out with, especially if you are 18 or older, as long as you live in her house you need to keep some things to yourself.


When you judge who you wish to go out with, no matter what race, you should always consider how they will be accepted by your family. If you plan to marry them, consider what social consequences you and your future children will have to endure. I think society has become a lot more accepting of interracial relationships and marriages in recent years but there is still a price you have to pay for being in one. See who makes you happy. Marry who makes you happy. Weigh the consquences.


I think it may be better to pass on specific men rather than risk being disowned by your family. Think this out for yourself. The decision is yours.

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