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Newbie// Love Triangle Type Thing

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[color=black][font=courier new]I am new here, And new to forums in general, So hello to everyone.

I have been having a pretty big problem and I can't seem to figure it out. I was wondering if anyone could give me some good advice. And also, I promise to try my best with giving people advice as well.


So, I guess I should start from the beginning. I started to get close to this guy named Brian back in April, over spring break. He constantly told me about how hawt I am and how he had never met anyone like me, and he said some very intense things to me. But there is another girl in the picture. Her name is Lauren and she is a friend of mine. But Lauren is nothing like me, she is very showey and just all-around slutty. Her and Brian were friends-with-benefits for about 2 months before I started getting involved with him. He started fingering her, making out with her, feeling her up and doing god-knows-what-else with her back in February. So, For the longest time, I told him that I have morals and I wasn't going to do stuff with him without committment. And he always told me that he'd settle down with a girlfriend eventually and it would be me. So, for the longest time, Him and I had an actual relationship and became very good friends, while he continued to do his dirty-work with Lauren, mainly cause she'd let him and I wouldn't. So, at the end of May, He ended up asking her out. I think it was cause she would do stuff with him and I wouldn't. Him and I stayed very close into the end of June and he continued to flirt with me and tell me things about how he was waiting to go out with me, Cause he didn't want to **** up with me. But eventually, Lauren caught onto him flirting with me and dumped him, So, He ended his entire friendship with me over it. And I recently began talking to him again and him, amoung others, told me that the reason he ended his friendship with me was cause he didn't trust himself around me. Last Friday, I was with him for the first time in 2 months and he and I were both semi-intoxicated. We got carried away and ending up making out in his room for an hour and a half. Later, he denyed it, And I got pissed off at him and told Lauren in spite of him. Now things are very akeward between us, He can't even face me. And he is also ashamed of himself cause he was being a little too aggresive when we made out and he left me in physical pain. He makes me uneasy, cause he hardly talks to me, And when he does, it's over IM. And if we talk in person, he can't even make eye contact, He just looks at the ground. That makes me uneasy and I start making jokes about him, Then he just gives me this face like he is about to cry.

I don't know what to do. I really like him. Is any willing to give me some advice on this situation?[/font][/color]

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Oh my Gosh.. poor thing. I think you should let go of this jerk. Thats prolly the only way hes going to realize that he lost someone that could of potentially been a good gf. Try to look for someone else, your wasting alot of your mental energy on this loser. And if he come to you asking for forgiveness, I would honestly tell him to go screw himself. Your too good for him.

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I have to say....I think this guy has been manipulating you waaaayy too long. It seems like he hasnt gotten his way, so now he's trying some different approach, by trying to make you feel like YOU'RE the one who messed things up. You havent done anything wrong to make this loser not like you the same way that you like him. You are WAY too good for this manipulative a$$h@le, and I think you should stay away from him and not talk to him alltogether. Its easier to get over someone when there's no more communication, and the empowerment you will feel from rising above this rediculousness is very rewarding. It feels good to know yourself, and your limits, and that youre better than him. Youre worth so much more than you think.

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