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Male dominated proffesion

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Hi Everyone :)

I've been a interstate truckdriver here in Australia for 16yrs & absolutly love my job but in the last 15mths I've been a single woman after a separation from my husband of nearly 15yrs & find myself very disillusioned and uncertain by the way I now get treated by alot of my fellow work colleges out on the highway. I've worked so hard to establish myself as a proffesional truck operator in my own right & do the job without depending on having a man to help me especially where mechanical issues are concerned. I believed I was respected and seen as this by the mojoratiy of other truckers I've worked with, some I've known for many many years but when I became single it changed and I've found some no longer speak to me because I didn't want a sexual or romantic realsionship with them also it's got to the point where I feel like a sexual object, for example if I accept help to change a tire that means I accept to listen to sexual advances or I'm expected to return sexual acts and when I don't I'm spoken to and treated in a manner no one ever should be. I guess after all the hard work I've put in over the years I expected more and I truly believed this level of sexism wasn't around these days :( Has anyone experienced a similar thing and if so how did you keep a positive outlook? Thanks everyone :)

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Hi Baloo.


Sorry you haven't had responses. It's probably because it's still quite unusual (though certainly not unheard of) for a woman to do your job. I can imagine it's a fairly isolating job anyway, but particularly when you've just gone through a divorce and other truckers are freezing you out. In the circumstances that must feel like a real betrayal. Paticularly given the sexual harassment component. You're right - nobody should have to put up with that in the course of their work. It sounds as though some of that lot you're dealing with need dragged into the 21st century.


I'm sure that if you're feeling isolated generally, you'll get a friendly reception here posting on some of the more social parts of the site (eg introduce yourself on the watercooler, outline your circumstances and just say that you're feeling a little bit isolated right now). Of course it's not going to the same as chatting to people in real life, but it might help you to get through this particular difficult time.


On a more practical level, I googled a bit and found this


About | Transport Women Australia Limited


Are you involved with that already? If not, it might be an idea to contact them. Getting involved with an organisation like that might give you some valuable contacts and sources of support. I would guess that once your fellow truckdrivers who used to be friendlier see that you have other sources of support, they will probably start warming up to you again...and hopefully involvement in a group like that would help you identify sources of help, for the times you need it, that mean you're not exposed to the advances of the more lecherous ones.


Sounds unfair that people should wait until they see you on your feet again before they bother speaking to you or treating you like a human being, but that's the nature of people sometimes unfortunately.

Edited by Taramere
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