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Friend's girl

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Don't know what I should do? I'm in love with my best female friend. She is involved though. With a friend of mine. They actually have a kid together. He and I have been at odds for a while know for an unrelated altercation. So we really don't talk anymore. But as my friendship with him faded, my friendship with her flourished. He ended up cheating on her there relationship is very rocky. She claims she didn't leave him because of the child. All I know is that I have fallen madly in love with her. I know I am supposed to stay away from a friend's woman and I plan to. My question is should I tell her how I feel or just stay away from her without any reason? Please help. I am not thinking straight

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:( Chon Chon - we are in the same "boat"...... I have fallen in love with a friend too.

We are keeping our distance from each other because he is friends with a guy I dated only a few months. We are both miserable but "out of respect for the friend" we are not pursuing the relationship. I HATE THIS. I don't think we can hide our feelings for each other forever - so how long do you wait and who made up that dang rule about hands off your friends ex? I too will be watching for some good advice :)

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The whole no dating a friends ex, isn't really a rule, most people don't out of respect for the friend, I think if you really like the person you should talk to the friend about it depending on how long or how close the friendship was it shouldn't be a problem.


As for the telling the girl who you feel I would say yes, why because she might have feelings for you, but can't tell you in fear of you telling her boyfriend or whatever he is.

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I agreee you have nothing to worry about since you are not friends with him anymore.


So I believe you dont owe him an explanation if you do date her.


The problem is she is still with him and out of respect I wouldn't say anything to her yet. She is still taken and him being your friend or not is her bf and you just don't do that.


I say eventually she will leave him and then you can say something.

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