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What are the chances I'm pregnant?

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Hi guys,


My brother and soon to be sister-in-law set me up with a guy they work with. Well last Saturday we met at a party, had a few more drinks than we should have, and had unprotected sex. What are the chances of me being pregnant. I was ovulating, however, he didn't cum at all.


Also, if I am pregnant how soon would the signs start revealing. It's been a week and a day, and I don't feel anything different.

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There is a chance in regards to precum.


Also there is a chance for stds. Id definetly get tested because if you are preg, and have an std you'd want to know asap in regards to the baby.


Wait until you miss your period. In my pregnancy experience this is what I went through when I was first pregnant:


* bloating

* cramps

* tender, thicker boobs

* backache

* short temper (shorter than usual)


When my H started noticing all this comming together, he asked me to get a preg test, and yes, I was preg.


Good luck.

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I don't experience ANY of these symptoms. Is it too soon?


Also my friend her boyfriend have been using the "pull out method" for 5 years now and haven't gotten pregnant. Maybe I'll be okay?

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wow. I really hope you are young and that is why you are sounding very ignorant. OF COURSE you could be. Additionally, you could now have HIV, Genital Warts, Herpes, and a million other diseases. Having a baby should be the LEAST of your concerns.

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There is a such thing as pre-ejaculation. The semen can get you pregnant. You should always be careful with who you go off with at a party. You never know if the guy's a nut. Aside from that, although you were drunk, this wasn't the brightest decision to have intercourse with some guy you didn't know. He could have big herp's or be an AIDS vicitim. You should get checked for these in 2 months, and get re-tested after 6months just to be certian you haven't caught something. Condoms serve a purpose for not wanting pregnancy or AIDS. Maybe you should call him and tell him your concern. It's your business if you exchanged bodily fluids with him. It's your right. Whether your pregnant or not, I'm not psychic, I don't know. I can tell you this, if you are CERTAIN you were ovulating and he went in there with a loaded gun, yeah, it's VERY POSSIBLE. You never know for sure hen you are ovulating---it could be at odd times of the month. Not all women are the same. It's usually right in the middle of your "time frame" if YOU ARE REGULAR ONLY. If you're not, that is a different story. It varies. This is a silly question. Not ALL men pre-ejac, but most do.

My advice to you: Expect the worst and hope for the best.


I hope you make better choices in the future and that everythings okay.

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If in the next 3 weeks certain smells sicken you that never bothered you before ( onions, chocolate , ect ) then you can bet something is up !


I used to love hot chocolate but one day ( I did not know I was preggers yet ) I just could not stand it ! And until the baby was born I wanted nothing to do with hot chocolate...Now I love it again...


The nausea can include vomiting...


Get the newest pregnancy test which can test you 5 or 10 days gestation....

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Originally posted by claraleeconner

wow. I really hope you are young and that is why you are sounding very ignorant. OF COURSE you could be. Additionally, you could now have HIV, Genital Warts, Herpes, and a million other diseases. Having a baby should be the LEAST of your concerns.


Wow, funny of you to say how ignorant I am. You appear to be the only one in this discussion who can't carry a decent conversation. (Or offer any comforting advice for that matter). Oh..and for the record..I'm not pregnant. :)


In response to other posters, I'm going to get tested within the next couple of months. That's still a big concern for me. I can't believe I let this happen. This is what happens when you drink too much. I need to stay away from the alcohol. I can't control myself. My brother set me up with this guy, cause he is good guy. We both just had too much to drink, and weren't thinking right. If anyone took advantage of anyone, I took advantage of him. I initiated the whole thing.

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Not trying to be a party pooper here, but how do you know you are not pregnant? Wasn't your original post made August 22? I'm not trying to be ugly. I just wanted to make sure that you know even if you just started your period, you may still be pregnant. Sometimes you still have the next period because its too late for your body to stop it until the next cycle. Most pregnancy tests dont pick up the pregnancy hormone until one day after your first missed period.

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I had unprotected sex on August 14th....do you think that's too soon? My period should be here between tomorrow and saturday. I used a first response pregnancy test which in clinical tests was able to detect hormones up to 93% one day prior to your period.



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...you weren't. But I'm glad to hear your fine. I think the std test will be fine too. Use this as a learning experience. You'll be ok. Just b/c you think you were ovulating doesn't ness. mean you are. All women are different. Pregnancy tests are pretty accurate. you can have confidence in them.

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