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My confusing story(long)


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Me and my ex gf only went out for about four months,but i truly believe this is the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with but she confuses the hell out of me.


We were friends for about six months before we started dating,we met on a cycling club that we were both part of.I would see her every weekend out cycling with the club(large group of 60 -70 people).Well we started to talk on the phone and go to movies together and found out that we have so much in common.We both love to travel and are both very active outdoors type people and shared interest in all the same sports,both vegetarians,love animals and are views and family background were similar.


I haven't been in a relationship for a few years mainly because I was not happy with my situation in life(crappy job,low self esteem and no future basically).But this girl is so amazing I just had to go after her.She went back to school at 30 to finish her PHD,she works very hard.Well she inspired me to go back to school this fall(never told her it was because of her)For the first time in a long time I was happy and excited about my future.Until she called me one night to break up with me ,this is because she found out i lied to her about something i did in my past that i wasn't proud of,so i tired to hide it from her.


Well we got back together three weeks later for only a three weeks and she broke up with me again(same reason as the first time ).That was at the end of May.The next day she called to apologize for getting angry when she broke up with me and the day after that she asked me if wanted to see a movie but as just friends ,I said no.I did NC for two weeks and called her ,she was very happy to hear from me and wanted me to ask her out.So we started to hand out again.When we hung out she would still touch me,rub my leg and rest her head on my shoulder.About three weeks later I sent her an email saying that I was still crazy about her.She called me when she got it and told me that she didn't think we would ever be back together because we are very different people and to tell me she was seeing another guy.Well this call lasted three hours, I begged ,I poured my heart out and feelings to her and we started to talk about how much fun we use to have and she told me all the things she liked about me.She invited me on a camping trip the following week said if i come she knew she would have lots of fun .


Two days after she called me up and asked me to go rollerblading.We went skating and had so much fun she was acting like my girlfriend again,she was holding my hand and sitting on me and invited me to her place where we talked to 2am under candlelight.We hung out again the next day and again she invited me up to her place.We were sitting together holding hands on her couch,I was thinking she was coming back.


Well the next day was are camping trip ,when I went to pick her up in the morning she came up to me and gave me a big hug and I think she was going to kiss me but backed off.On the camping trip she realized That I wanted more than just friends and she wanted to be just friends.Since the trip 7 weeks ago we don't hang out anymore and barely talk to one another anymore.I called her the week after the trip and asked her why she was acting like a girlfriend the days before the trip and she told me that she was just very comfortable around me but was not interested in me anymore she was interested in her new guy.


I told her I cant be just friends anymore.SHe sent me an email saying that maybe after some time passes we can do stuff together again.So now i know she is no longer seeing the other guy and asked if she'd like to get together for a coffee,he told me not yet but she will call me when she is up to it.That was almost two weeks ago and she still hasn't called.I know she will eventually ,if she says she would i know she will.But I still don't understand why she was acting like my girlfriend and know she does not talk to me anymore?


I don't really know if i have any questions but maybe some opinions please..thanks


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A quick note...if she's stringing you along for some strange reason and playing with you this way, why would you REALLY want to marry her?

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Never said I want to marry her .I think she might be afraid to get too close or maybe get hurt?She wants to be just friends with avery guy she meets ,maybe its safer that way?


BUt she told me I was different than most guys .She also said once"the next time I run away" so I have the feeeling she has done this with other guys?

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