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Want to become better friends with girl online that lives far away...

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There is this girl I talk to occasionally online. I have known her for roughly a year. We both aren't online at the same time a lot, so this is why we don't talk often, but when we do its a blast and we seem to have alot in common (at least in our personalities).


I would love to become better friends with her, and talk and on the phone and whatnot, but I am nervous to ask for her number or give her mine. Mainly because of the whole internet freakshow and people pretending they aren't who they really are. Thanks in advance for any imput...

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well man, i do that a lot, i live in new zealand and have a friend, she is a slovenian girl in ljubljana. I simply called her up 7 years ago and gave her my number, had a 3 hour chat with her. We are the best of friends when it comes to great distances. She even visited me in new zealand and stayed at my place. We didnt do anything together cuz i respect her a lot and have lotsa feelings for her. she is my best friend and i love her in that way. had she been of any other nationality including american i think the same would apply. Its basically about giving respect, if you ask for her number that doesnt mean u r asking for too much, its how u increase love and respect mutually as friends and i tell u from experience she wouldnt mind, rather she'll be very happy. its all to do wid importance, she'll feel important if you call her and will have something to tell her friends about for a week.

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