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Is he my soulmate and/or twin soul?

guardian angel

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guardian angel

I fell in love with my best friend. It feels as though I have known him for years but I've only known him for about 3months!


We have declared best of friends and we have shared alot of intimate moments and deepened our friendship. We've shared all of our dreams, hopes, failures, pasts together.

The feeling between the both of us is so strong sometimes and sometimes we just try to avoid it. We had a good chat about it and the fact that I know he's planning to go back to his origin country is what keeping him single. He tells me that I am his soulmate and that our paths will cross many times again and again. And he loves me dearly as much as I do as well. But its impossible as he's leaving soon and he'll be traveling quite a fair bit to achieve his dreams in his work.


Funny thing is, he made me promised him that I will always be here for him and made me promised him that I will always take care of him should he ever need me. And of course, I agreed to... when he said things like that, it's as though he knows it's going to happen. I'm in a painful position now. I know that I have to let him go soon and wish him all the best. And yet, I want to be selfish and not let him go.


Can he really be my soulmate and twin soul? I feel that he is but having doubts about the meaning. He even gave me this nickname! Guardian Angel! I'm his angel and he said he knows I will always be.


I have tested him one night. I completely ignored him the other night when we were together at a club and I could feel his eyes on me while I was dancing alone. And he took noticed of the people that was amazed by me and they noticed me and tried to come close to me. His reaction was to continue watch closely and then he came and started dancing with me and the rest of the people disappeared. Then when we left, he asked if he could stay with me and I said of course! So, he stayed with me for 4 days! What does this mean? I have no idea!


I have to admit that I am very drawn to this man. And I also know for a fact that he's drawn to me. We've slept on the same bed before, he will always cradle me to sleep, tells me about the most wonderful things in life. When I am in trouble and if he's in town, he'll come to my rescue. If I cry, he will hold me close in his arms and tells me that everything will be ok. He taught me how to have magical child like imagination that makes it so warm and fuzzy. I completely glow when I am with him. And he feels like himself when he's with me.

When he's feeling funny or down, he'll put his head on my chest and tells me not to leave him. I am so bloody confused!!!


How do I do this? How do I know if he's the one? Can I get the answer without having confrontations or having a "talk" with him?

I really don't know. But I do know I'm gonna miss him terribly when he leaves me.

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Why do you think he's gonna leave you? If you love him and he loves you...and both of you are available, then GO FOR IT!!!!!

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Used mostly by women romanticizing the infatuation phase of a budding relationship.


Enjoy the feeling, but come on, there are billions of people on this planet. Likely at least a million guys out there who could be your "soul mate."


Explore your feelings with this guy, have fun and maybe get lucky that you end up in love.


But soul mate or twin soul?


You sound like you read Cosmo too much to me. :)

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sweet nickname, i had the same once. i say go for it. But even as i always use the term soul mate it is true, there is no one true soul mate for u. There may be the closest person to u, or the best choice, or someone who's soul parrallels ur own, but in the end soul mates just dosent work. However if u love um and he loves u stay together, stay the way u are and have fun, see where it goes!

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guardian angel

Okay! Hang on in there buddies! Just read the replies :-)


First and foremost, to reply whichwayisup question: He's leaving me coz he's going back to his own country!


Secondly, I do believe in soul mates. There are a few soul mates in our life but there is only one or two twin soul in our life. And this isn't Cosmo talking either! Don't read Cosmo myself either! I think that sometimes, all of us have to believe in something called "magical" or "faith and hope" in everything that we do. It may sound too dreamy or childlish but its what keeps us going right?

But yeah Amer, you could be right. Explore the feelings and see what happens.


We can't start a relationship if he's not gonna be staying put in the same country as I am!!! Thats the whole entire dilemma!


Spent 4 days with him last weekend. Had so much of fun and laughter together! Made us looked like a true couple in love...well...thats what in the eye of the public sees!


I am gonna miss him so much when he leaves. I know I should stay away so that it won't hurt as much when he goes away... but I can't. A promise is a promise. A best friend is a best friend. And it looks as though the problem lies in me. I'm in love with my best friend who is going away for good and does not know when he'll be back. Possibilities of getting together? I have no clue!

How does he feel? Up till today he has not confessed any thing yet. Or maybe he doesnt dare to... But some of his actions gave him away sometimes. He's been using the word "we" or "us" alot lately to me and to other people. I don't even dare to ask him myself!

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Flying Goose

LOL - Soul mates & twin souls? I've heard of the first, but the second is new to me. Sorry to say, but it's just superstition that can have the unfortunate side-effect of making something seem more special than it is. If you get carried away with that concept, you will most likely end up with false expectations of the person. Yeh, you get on well and you have some similarities, but just keep in mind where that starts and where it ends - else you could be expecting too much of the person.


Have fun.

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Thousands upon thousands of relationships are aglow with love, passion, closeness, and all that stuff during the first few months. It's then when we learn the best there is to know about the new person. You are each at your best for the other and all of it is helped by a pile of chemicals your body produces to make you hook up with people.


Then comes time. And, with time, you start to see the person not through rose-coloured glasses, but as he really is. He may have seemed flawless, perfect, and just like you before, because part of the initial stages of a relationship is all about looking for similarities and common ground. Eventually, you start to see the many ways you are not alike. You may still be interested, or some of the things you learn may displease you. At about six months, problems which might have seemed bearable start to appear not so. If you make it past the 'reality' phase and last a year to two years, you can then - maybe - think you have a 'soulmate'. Before that, it's all just a warm, fuzzy, glowy fantasy.

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guardian angel

Well, the warm fuzzy feeling is what keeps people alive. Fairy tales like live happily ever after do exists. And it gives people hopes and faith. And even if they don't believe in it, it makes them ponder over the issue if there is such thing!


Yes, I am at the stage of getting-to-know-you part. But through this process, he's already showing some of his flaws to me! And it just cracks me up or irritates me. But I still love him for what and who he is anway!



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It's not that there may not be soulmates. It's that lots and lots of people start out thinking they're soulmates and then crash and burn.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On my Gosh Angel, When I was reading your post I cried. See I fell in Love with my best friend as well. He has been my shoulder for 8 years. I over time developed a dependency on his strength and positive energy he gave me when I needed it. A few weeks ago he confessed his love. I knew he loved me as much. See to me it did not matter if we were a couple, as long as he was there. I can easily say I love him. However, that would does not sum up all that I feel for him, it is too short. He is my best friend and family and not my lover. So, my advice to you is: Don't worry about it at all, just enjoy! I think you know your answer, already. The fact that you are asking for a sign shows me that you know the truth already. Feelings don't lie, you feel that way for a reason. Spending time apart will not harm your relationship because you have a spiritual connection that is closer then anyone can ever get.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This subject has recently started to fascinate me. The spirit bonds and such. I'm a conservative Christian and I'm married. Happily married. I know I have a bond to someone else other than my husband that is also male and I think about him a lot! Especially when somethng is happening in his life. Something no one else is aware of. Could be unsettling at times too. It's long distance and such but it's just so strange! I feel an adrenaline rush when something is up with this man and I know I have to get in touch with him at that point and be there for him. I could go for weeks without thinking about him and then BOOM! There's that feeling and those thoughts! It's bizarre as hell!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im a scientist, so I don't know about the "soul mates" thing, but I certainly feel like some people are intertwined with each other in some indefinable way. Its very hard to describe. You do a lot of looking sideways at each other when you first meet.


I think its impossible to know if this person is "the one." I think what you should do is trust your feelings and live fully the moments of happiness you bring to one another. If it is truly to be, then it will happen without effort. Or at least you won't notice or mind the efforts you are making to be together! If its not, then its a learning experience that will better prepare you when you meet that special someone. Either way, you come out a winner. Do your best, and don't be afraid in trusting your feelings.


Good luck to both of you and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

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