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Where are the good ones ?


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Where are all the good ladies? I keep hearing about them,


but they don't seem to exist.


It makes me wonder why I can't seem to find one. Maybee it's me, maybee not, but I've tried so hard that I don't think I care any more.


Ya know, some guys say "treat them crapy and they will fall at your feet." Yeah right, that only pushed them further away.


Others say "treat them like queens," that only gets you craped on... I know what you're saying, "just be yourself"


and the right one will come along. Ok, I can do that, I'd


like to think I'm an attractive guy, I'm a goofball at all


the wrong times but hey, at least I stand out.


My biggest problem though....I like being in a relationship. I love women and all I want is 1 !!!!!!


One that I don't have to worry about cheating or getting tired of the commitment one day and turning into hell woman




Rejection sucks, it sucks for everyone. Why do we play these friggen games?


I don't know, we all subject ourselvs to tremendous stress


and unhappiness to find the right one, some people do it there whole lives!


I just hope I don't.


Scottie out.

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I feel your pain!!!


All the great ladies are out there asking the same question, where are all the good men?


You are obviously attracting the very wrong women. You are attracted to the wrong women. My bet is you go for the drop dead gorgeous ones that will poop on you every time.


When you get tired of doing whatever it is that you're doing, you'll meet a very sweet lady who will love you forever.


Consider yourself really lucky. There are a lot of guys who pretend to be what they're not and they get false love and it doesn't work out. By being patient, the right one will come.


You just can't rush things. Be patient and have fun until your time comes. To find the right person...you have to be the right person. Work on being the best you can be.


P.S. There are some Internet dating sites were you can find all the wonderful women you could hope for in a lifetime. Use a few, write some Emails, screen them well, narrow your choices down to, say 1,000, and pick from those. Use your favorite search engine and enter: dating in the search field. Or go to netscape.com and look at the AOL photo personals. If you have AOL, go to keyword: photo personals.

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tony's right.


all the good ones (ladies) are wondering the same thing you are. and, though this is a little awkward to point out, who doesn't think they are a good one? i mean, have you ever met someone who was willing to admit that they were an a**h*** who didn't deserve love? okay, i admit, i've met a few, but most people think they're basically good and deserve a good person in return. the problem is, though i may be good for someone, i may be horrible for someone else. for all you know, you may be an a**h*** in the eyes of an ex-girlfriend. perception is tricky in matters of the heart - one guy's bitchy ex is another guy's incredible and loving girlfriend. wish i could give a better answer but i think it just takes experience - you have to be willing to face the bad as well as the good if you ever want to find happiness. i think that's what goes wrong with relationships - we become defensive and scared the more we get hurtm - instead of just having faith in one another, we become convinced that no matter how great this one seems, they're really just an a**h*** in hiding. i don't know...i'm just as confused as the next person...

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Maybe you're looking in all the wrong places... I mean, a girl who's beautiful, sexy, rich, etc, might seem perfect. BUT she's also going to be picky, probably spoiled by her daddy or other guys, unfaithful (I'm not trying to stereotype people but in my experience this is USUALLY the case) etc etc etc.... going out with a model may impress your friends, but she is likely going ot be lacking in the personality department.


Look for girls who most guys don't bother with... I'm not saying go for the 300-pounder with five candy bars in tow or anything, you do need to look out for major personality problems, but a lot of girls are simply very shy, lonely, and nervous around guys. A lot of girls still come from an upbringing in which they were told, or at least it was implied, not to make the first move with guys. A little sweetness will go a long way with these girls who probably haven't known anything like it before. Drop your physical, financial, and family standards a litte, get to know girls for who they ARE, and I'm sure the right one will come along!

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I'm not saying that at all, remember, I broke up with girl #1, then met girl #2 who was the Hawaiian Tropic woman. She's the one I screwed up a year of my life on. After getting away from her, I went back to girl #1. I thought she deserved a 2nd chance, I belive everyone does. Now a year later, living together, I thought things were ok but she's back to her old self. I'm begining to think it's me. Even though I know in my heart it's not, it's her and her problems that she hasn't addressed yet. She's still dealing with something that I can't help her with. And in the same breath I can't continue to take her bulls***. I love her and everything that she is but she's not ready yet I guess. A person can only tolerate so much.........


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The good ones are out doing what they enjoy with people they enjoy being with.


What are you looking for...


A family-oriented woman? Ask your married friends to invite you to parties that might include single friends.


An intellectual woman? Visit your local library or the bookstore down the street. Walk through each department... some will be in poetry, some in management, some in cooking... And the books you pull from the shelf will be the conversation opener.


A moral woman? Watch for singles groups associated with church groups.


A friend? Go do the things you enjoy. Get out of the house and keep your eyes open... Take a chance inviting the cute stranger you see tying her jogging shoes or volleying the tennis ball against the wall. Start a conversation with the woman at the gas station or in the grocery check-out lane.


A daring woman? Take a chance with someone whose posts interest you on the net... I was caught that way myself.


Most of all, Scottie. Just enjoy your life. The confidence and smile of a man make him unbelievably appealing.


Where are all the good ladies? I keep hearing about them, but they don't seem to exist. It makes me wonder why I can't seem to find one. Maybee it's me, maybee not, but I've tried so hard that I don't think I care any more. Ya know, some guys say "treat them crapy and they will fall at your feet." Yeah right, that only pushed them further away. Others say "treat them like queens," that only gets you craped on... I know what you're saying, "just be yourself" and the right one will come along. Ok, I can do that, I'd like to think I'm an attractive guy, I'm a goofball at all the wrong times but hey, at least I stand out. My biggest problem though....I like being in a relationship. I love women and all I want is 1 !!!!!! One that I don't have to worry about cheating or getting tired of the commitment one day and turning into hell woman 2000. Rejection sucks, it sucks for everyone. Why do we play these friggen games? I don't know, we all subject ourselvs to tremendous stress and unhappiness to find the right one, some people do it there whole lives! I just hope I don't. Scottie out.
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I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! "Treat 'em mean and keep 'em keen" is the biggest load of bull. It only makes them want to run (which is fair really, i'd run too if a guy thought playing games made me want him more). And when I treat a guy exactly how I want to be treated, they take advantage of it. It feels like you just can't win hey?


It was actually really nice to come across a guy who wants only 1 woman and who really has faith in having a relationship. Relationships and being faithful and loyal and being able to share things together and laugh together mean a lot to me. And so does respect for the other person, which sadly, a lot of people out there know nothing about.


But it is true - there are a lot of good people out there. It's just a shame I've sworn myself off men for a while. But that's ok, because I don't want to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. I'm not going to go searching for what I want, I'm going to let it come to me and look out for my best interests without compromising those of another (not that I ever have). I think I'll just let fate have the starring role here, because I'm still feeling pessimistic about men and generalising too much, which obviously means I'm not ready for another relationship. But that's ok, because I will know when I am and I can hopefully find the right one next time!


Like I said at the start here, it was nice to know there are guys like you out there who are genuine about relationships.


I hope you find your dream girl out there someday, because she's there :)

Where are all the good ladies? I keep hearing about them, but they don't seem to exist. It makes me wonder why I can't seem to find one. Maybee it's me, maybee not, but I've tried so hard that I don't think I care any more. Ya know, some guys say "treat them crapy and they will fall at your feet." Yeah right, that only pushed them further away. Others say "treat them like queens," that only gets you craped on... I know what you're saying, "just be yourself" and the right one will come along. Ok, I can do that, I'd like to think I'm an attractive guy, I'm a goofball at all the wrong times but hey, at least I stand out. My biggest problem though....I like being in a relationship. I love women and all I want is 1 !!!!!! One that I don't have to worry about cheating or getting tired of the commitment one day and turning into hell woman 2000. Rejection sucks, it sucks for everyone. Why do we play these friggen games? I don't know, we all subject ourselvs to tremendous stress and unhappiness to find the right one, some people do it there whole lives! I just hope I don't. Scottie out.
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