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Advice ?? Prepared to be out bidded for job

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What to do. Please advise


I am very part time and seniority is passing me by quickly as jobs are posted all seem to be placed and I am still bidding in. Well the last full time role was posted and a staff member that had left a year ago bid into it and now it seems she may well get the role. According to the union her seniority is not an issue and we are all on equal footing as very part time but she has her masters degree and it seems I am not there yet. She had been in co for 4 yrs and I for 8 when she left to finish school and take a day job. She is back now per diem. But in her 4 yrs here she worked more hours a week than I so in number of hours she has seniority and the higher degree. I have more yrs here, more yrs general experience and the loyalty in the company adn am more intwined in committees and current programs and am well liked.


Should I be confident and stand my ground.Hold head high and just trust God. Or should I prepare to leave and find a full time gig elsewhere so I too can protect my future. ?? I love my job. Never left over 8 years and seem now to be on the sidelines. I do not want to be passive but I am really frustrated by this.


We will all be interviewed and I want to be well thought of in the process. I need the full time role and benefits!


Let me know.

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Well, happy bidding. May the best person get the job...


If you get the job, hopefully she will be happy for you


and if she get the job, hopefully you will be happy for her


Shoud there always be a "race"? Competetiveness?

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If you really needed the full time role and benefits - why are you still there at the same company after 8 years.


If you really needed it you would have left long time ago, init?


Why would you leave before knowing if you succeeded in getting the job? Be confident, believe in yourself and give them your best. God will do the rest.


Best of luck


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Well - here is what has happened. They chose to not interview. Made the decision and informed me aferwards it was not me, it was a new employee here only 2 years. ....I have been here 8.


I am disgusted and yes I am now looking for a new work place. I am stunned I was interviewed by record and file only and not given the chance to face to face discuss or even pull out.


It did not occur to me that my efforts were less than worthy of promotion or evident as fruitless. I did ask for feed back and there was only a phone call and a hesitant statement that I needed to be more thorough. Yet I have all my past reviews and it was never stated before to me nor was any indication that I was less than effective. I was giving above and beyond the min hours and always respected by peers and very well liked.


I am devasted and mad. Now what? Embarrassed and sad. Is this payback for applying for the boss's job last yr? How do I rally now?

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You need to either start looking of ra new job or feel content where you are. It is obvious that either you never cared about moving up there or they do not see your value. Either way, you need to accept what you ahve there and no more or find another place of employment.

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Go ask why you were passed over for this position.

Find out what qualifications the 2yearer had that you dont,


are you getting any benefit from this job? like tuition reimbursement, if not i would leave too.

dont let them treat you like a doormat.

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