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I used to have good friends that I used to chat with in one of the chat rooms.But now they always make me feel left out.They dont seem to have any interest in me.I tried talking to them but they dont respond back and ignore me.This hurts.I dont feel important to them like I used to..

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Sounds like time to go elsewhere to meet new friends. Life is change. Get used to it. It's that way until you die.


Also, change your definition of "good friends." Good friends don't ignore you, make you feel left out, or lose interest in you.


I also urge you to find friends outside of chatrooms, in real life. The cyberworld is very volatile and filled with insincere fakes. If they can abandon you now, were you ever REALLY important to them???


Spend some time making friends away from your computer. Do this special favor for yourself. While there are some great people in the cyberworld, right along with the riff raff, no technological advance will every be able to find a substitute for real, in person, friends.

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Hi Patty,


There's a lot more to friendships among people whom you can touch, visit, hug, and walk with. Take a couple minutes today to cultivate a friendship with someone outside the net.


It's just way too easy to be volatile and inconsiderate on the web... the lack of personal contact takes away the heart and value of the person.


Now please don't let this hurt because I get the feeling you are not really this way. But your post here is flavored with low self-esteem and a certain clingy sort of feel. Have you approached your internet friends with the same attitude?


If your friends are making you feel left out it may be time to seek out a higher level of friends. Cultivate other interests in your life and find someone to pour your energy into... perhaps by concentrating on another's happiness and making them feel of value you may develop some of of these feelings yourself.


Best wishes, you do sound like a nice person.

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