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Don't let this happen to you...

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Last semester (Spring 04) there was this girl that I was really attracted too. Something about her was different but I didn't know what it was. She ended up talking to me first, but I was always too scared and shy to keep the convo going...so I never asked her out or for her number. The semester ends and I let her walk away w/o saying anything. Most of the summer I thought about it and I was really disappointed in myself. I had so many chances and didn't take advantage of those chances. I was hoping I would maybe run into her again this semester and I would definately not make the same mistake again....


...the semester has started and I have yet to run into her...it's bothering me and bringing memories of last semester when i blew those good chances. I been thinking what I can do but there is absoultely nothing...I just got to hope she still goes to the same campus that I go to. There is something different about her that made me so attracted to her...I think that is why the mistake has been on my mind that I didn't do anything....T


I blew it but guys/girls don't let this mistake happen to you. If you see someone that makes you feel different talk to that person. Don't be a fool and not do anything and blow it like I did. I'm still hoping I run into her but as the days pass since the last time i saw her keep passing...that light just keeps dimming and dimming.

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man i feel bad for you, i had a bad experience this morning, a european girl i liked for the first time in newzealand in 8 years suddenly flipped as she might have heard somthing negative about me. she placed all kinds of conditions, i shud have been living by myself instead of with my family etc etc. i simply called her at her workplace asked her if a certain herabl medicine was available in her store she said no. the conversation was coming to an end so i pretended i didnt know her name. she had already told me twice once on the street and once when she picked up the phone. I just said wats ur name again and she was annoyed. she goes I just met you on the street so most graciously said sorry to her.


If you meet that girl again walk upto her stop her in her tracks and tell her on her face, u like her eyes and just stare into them. believe me she will just turn red. be confident. the more confident u r the woman is more easy to get cuz i think its like applying for a job and making your CV stand out :laugh:

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Thanks for your replies...i do hope i run into her again someday if not sooner. i don't want to lose hope but it's such a big school with many different locations...i just hope we cross each others path..i think about my screw up everyday but that isn't doing me any good. i keep thinking "WHAT IF...." it's killing me...i don't know where else to look besides school..just like i said i'm praying that we cross each others path someday...

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