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Going crazy here and I need you! Major guy problem !

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Hey! So please bare with me cause this one is long... So, i'm 23 and there's this guy who's 20. He really liked me during the summer and kept me asking me out but I always rejected him...that was until we went for vacation at the same place and got to know him much better...and he really got me!! So I decided to talk to him and tell him I liked him...but then he rejected me. After that incident, he's been treating me really bad..meaning he was playing me, tried to make me think that something would eventually happen between us, but then never did. Also, he keeps trying to make me jealous. And that makes me so angry.....I understand that he could want to get back at me, like a revenge or something...but he wouldn't possibly go through all this trouble for someone he didn't still like. He has showed signs of jealousy too for this guy friend of mine who's always around me. What's your opinion? :)

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I think when guys play games with you and you dont know the rules of the game you forfeit, there is no use trying to understand what game someone is trying to play with you...its all called confusion ..if they cant say to you hey i like you want to get to know you better an dthen throw the ball to you...how are you supposed to catch the drift....deb

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yes you're right....but i would really like to know if he's still into me cause then, maybe he would quit the games some day......




do you really want to be with someone who would play games anyway,once you take away the game, you find they dont have much to say, honesty to me is so refreshing....you get to know the real guy.....i wish you all the best...it is quite probable the guy likes you, if you wait i guess he might make a move ,dont let him get you down however, there are guys around who wont play games...hugs to ya.....deb

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yeah you're right...games are bad...i just would like to know if he's still into me, so that maybe one day he will grow up and let me try again, without all his ego getting in the way.....

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