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Do diet pills work? Best ones?

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Eternal Sunshine

Please no diet pills :sick:


Just cut out junk.


What I ate today:


Breakfast - protein smoothie (1.5 scoops of whey protein, 2 table spoons of natural yogurt, half a banana, handful of strawberries, some coffee and cinnamon; all blended) - tastes like a dream


Snack: 2 peaches


Lunch: 2 tuna sushis with brown rice


Snack: handful of almonds


Dinner: grilled steak and veggies


it's a variation of that every day...

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Geez, OP, you are not overweight and for you, diet pills would be a very stupid thing to consider. They do not work. Google "diet pills scam."


As others have suggested, cut out the white, processed carbs, eat more protein and greens, and eat breakfast.


And - yes, as has been said before - it is all in your head. Those extra pounds you are carrying are not what is keeping you from getting into a relationship.


It could make me feel better about myself then I will be happy and guys will be attracted to me? Maybe.

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The biggest problem with diet pills is that they can't do anything for you long-term. The best you'll get is a very short term fix. Then you'll gain everything back and probably a bit more. I can't see that helping you feel better about yourself.


In addition to the diet suggestions offered here, think about getting involved in some regular physical activity. That will genuinely improve your appearance and your self esteem.


Don't waste your time, money, or health on pills. You'll just do more damage than good.

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I drink lots of water, coffee (with sweet 'n low), sugar free red bulls etc... to fill my stomach and keep my energy going. I also smoke a lot... and that surpresses my hunger.


Agreed. Caffeine and smoking do wonders for weight loss. Once you reach your weight loss goal, you can adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

Edited by skydiveaddict
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Are you honestly advocating someone take up smoking??


You know what else does wonders for weight loss...heroin, cocaine, and AIDS. Should she add those to the line up?


I don't think IB needs to lose weight at the expense of her health.

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Are you honestly advocating someone take up smoking??


You know what else does wonders for weight loss...heroin, cocaine, and AIDS. Should she add those to the line up?


I don't think IB needs to lose weight at the expense of her health.


You forgot crack and speed. Never seen a fat person addicted to crack or speed.


just sayin....

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Are you honestly advocating someone take up smoking??.


Yes. It works great for weight loss. Use a steady diet of caffeine and cigarettes for a couple of months to lose the weight, then quit.

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Caffeine does have lyposis/thermogenic effect. Green tea has research validating fat burning properties (catechin polyphenols, like EGCG).


No supplement will take the place of hard work. Most of the ingredients in fat burners have no scientific evidence of their efficaciousness. Many have been recalled (Hydroxycut) a few years ago for having adverse side effects. Bottom line, you're taking a risk with fat burners, for no real pay-off...except for the $50 you will pay for the fancy pill bottle. ;)


Most of the recommendations by Dr. Oz are pseudo-science. It is actually a shame, because he should know better.


Science-Based Medicine » Dr. Oz Doubles Down on Green Coffee Bean with a Made-for-TV Clinical Trial


Bottom of this article shows systematic reviews vs. Dr. Oz claims


Can you trust Dr. Oz? His medical advice often conflicts with the best science. - Slate Magazine


To lose weight, first find out how many calories you take in on average per week. List total calories each day on a piece of paper. Get a total over each day and average after 7 days. Weigh yourself under the same conditions at the beginning and end of the 7 days. If your weight has not changed, you have your baseline calorie level. Subtract 500 calories from that baseline per day, and over one week you will burn 3,500 calories, which is roughly equivalent to one pound. Stay at only 1 lb. of weight loss per week and you loss will be steady and you will not shock your metabolism to slow down. There are more fancy ways than this, but if you are just wanting to lose 5 or 10 vanity pounds it will work fine :) Losing weight is basically just reducing your calories below your baseline level. If you want to improve health, you can adjust your diet. There is a lot more that can be said than this, such as gaining muscle, adjusting macro intake, but just start with this for 4 weeks and see what you think. Main thing with health is it is a life long journey. Pills and powders are a "quick fix" mentality. If you use that as the staple in your program you will end up like the New Years crowd ;)

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A few simple things I started with:


I don't drink soda anymore. I shed a few pounds with just that change alone. Instead, I drink seltzers and sparkling waters.


I stopped eating fast food completely. Haven't touched it in two years.


I've made sure to drink 8 glasses of water each day, and to stay regular (up the fiber! :p).

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  • 3 weeks later...
I barely count carbs but I don't eat processed. I only do ezekiel bread.

No white flours, no potatoes, no white sugar.


This. With the exception of potatoes (but only boiled ones), which are actually healthy and don't contribute to fast weight gain, if some new research is to be believed.


Some rules for weight loss that helped me (although I was never overweight, just on the verge of getting plump, but works for anybody):


  • no refined sugar: specifically avoid chocolate and other sweets. If you get a sweet tooth, eat an apple or two instead, or get low-calorie snacks to keep your mouth and stomach busy, like rice cakes; instead of soft drinks, drink pure water;
  • no white flour: substitute white bread with whole-grain bread and don't rely too much on it as a staple; if you're used to eating a lot of white pasta with your meat, eat brown rice or boiled vegetables instead;
  • avoid alcohol: it has a lot of empty calories and generally leads to bad eating decisions;
  • if you have money, buy some whey protein powder and then you can give up most of red meat and still have a good protein intake without all the fat.

Follow at least some of those rules and you'll get noticeable results in a few months. There's no magic pill, and if there is, it's probably too dangerous for your body. These guidelines will lead to a healthier life in the long run.

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Ok, didn't read the replies, so if I repeat something...forgive me...


There are no magic pills. Supplements are just that...supplemental. They are there to help you when your diet and exercise regimen is in order.


How often do you workout? I would recommend some weight training mixed in with cardio, and a low carb/moderate fat/high protein diet. A no fat diet is not only unhealthy, but it doesn't work. It's the amount of calories you eat, and what kind of calories.


Avoid potatoes, and any white carbs. Eat brown rice, wheat breads, sweet potatoes, etc.,

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A n t h o n y

Diet pills are all scams. Get off your ass, eat healthy, get to the gym, don't slack off, don't cheat on your eating routines and I bet you will see results.

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I didn't like diet pills. They curbed my appetite, but when I stopped taking them, the weight came back. Avoid those. Also, strict dieting never works. Eventually you are going to cave and have to eat at Mcdonald's or Dairy Queen. You aren't going to be able to restrict FOREVER. So you are far off treating yourself A LITTLE BIT (meaning a small fry from mcdonalds every two weeks). That will not hinder weight loss or make you fat. I also understand where you are coming from with losing weight to find men. WEight loss and going to the gym is how I found my husband.


And you do need some fat in your diet, I would say around 40 grams per day. Seems like a lot, but it isn't really. I'm not talking potato chip fat, but peanut butter, fish, butter (in moderation).


There are lots of weight loss websites and apps for iphones and such that can give you a specific allowance of calories, fats, carbs, ect. It's what I use, and I have kept off the 20 lbs I lost after having my son.


Trust me, I am the queen of weight loss/weight gain. I have tried every diet imaginable, low fat, low carb, diet pills, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, ect. The one and only thing that has worked is the app I use on my iphone. That's it. It's called MyNetDiary if you want to check it out.

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Yes, "diet pills" do work. Not the ones you can get off the shelf or in a simple matter though. Not anymore. But yes, there are stuff out there that can change your body. True, working out, controlling your calories is better compared to not working out and eating like a pig and only taking these things. Of course you should workout, control the calories along with the stuff.

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I am going to start doing strict dieting and workouts and I'm thinking of buying diet pills, I already have sensa to make me lose weight. I went to a doctor yesterday for a check up and I gained 5 pounds. I know winter is that time when you gain but I don't want to be fat. I hate how I look I'm fat and if I can't get a guy now lord knows me + 5 more pounds = no boyfriend ever! I'm thinking I might buy hydroxycut or something so I can get a flat stomach. No more fast food I'm only eating stuff with 0 fat in it, and I'm gonna start working out in my school.. I can get fit and meet hotties. Win win




diet pills may work while you ar eon them they are a slippery slope, i have and addictive personality and if you do which i think you might i wouldnt......when you go off them you end up putting on more weight than you did when you started.......i was on one that caused hole in the heart,,,,,,in a few people who took it......you are only supposed to take it for three months so i would doctor shop picking up scripts for it.......so stupid........



with an addictive personality comes the partner which is eating disorders.......dont develop them eat to be healthy...not to lose weight....says me who is now in starvation mode, its not fun, i dont consume enough calories for what i do...i am trying to rectify that i have no appetite i get full really easily on a sandwich a day i can be full.....and its hard........i am not actually good at the moment....


i do however know that diet pills dont fix anything......they certainly dont help you maintain a healthy weight....they make you extremely unhealthy physically and mentally and eventually....possibly fatter or anorexic....truth...go under medical supervision invest in seeing a good dietician and or nutritionist..spend the money on that not pills..best wishes beauty.....deb

Edited by todreaminblue
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Lunch: 2 tuna sushis with brown rice


How do you go about this one? I've tried making sushi with brown rice and it never sticks to the nori. Not to mention it isn't quick to make, for me.

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Plenty of good advice in this thread. I didn't read all the posts, so forgive me if this contains some overlap.


1. Cook for yourself. That way you have control over what you are eating. Even pizza or nachos can be healthy if you make them yourself. Thin-crust pizza made with wheat flour and topped with olive-oil, garlic, spinach, tomato and bell-peppers? Yes please.


2. Buy some tupperware. You can get plastic containers on the cheap. That way, you only need to cook larger meals a few times per week. Each week, I make spaghetti with either a half-pound of ground turkey or shrimp. That gives me four meals at less than $2.50 per meal. :cool:


3. Not all weight-loss is fat loss. My understanding is that unless you are morbidly obese you are not going to lose 5 pounds of fat in one week. You might lose five pounds, but that is going to include muscle and water. That is how even some anorexics can still be "fat".


3a. 3,500 calories. That is what you need to shed to burn one-pound of fat. This doesn't mean you need to count calories IMO. It does mean that anything over 2 pounds of fat-loss per week is a bit unrealistic.


4. Diet is a noun not a verb. People always say "oh, I can't eat that, I'm on a diet". Well, yes and no. Your diet is what you eat. Period. Not what you eat over a week, or a month, or six-months. I think viewing it this way puts you in the right frame of mind for the long-haul.

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How do you go about this one? I've tried making sushi with brown rice and it never sticks to the nori. Not to mention it isn't quick to make, for me.


Same here. It seems like brown rice takes about 15 times as long to cook as sushi rice, plus it's not really sticky, so sushi rolls seem impossible.


I dunno... IMHO, I think the difference in glycemic index benefits between sushi rice and brown rice might be negligible considering the disparity in function.

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remind me of once time I took diet pills, the things advertised as losing weight without diet. It did work, I lost 10kg in a month and a half, and felt like I was getting heart attacked. sometime I just couldn't breath. 10kg was a lot since i am only 5ft and just a little chubby, it freaked me out so I stopped and gained some of them back.

Now I change my diet to healthy foods, I feel healthy but I haven't lose anything for a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a plan for you:


1) Stop doing things because you want male attention

2) Eat better


I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but you act like the only reason to lose weight is because you want guys to think you're hot and awesome. Even if that motivates you to work out, it's a dangerous way of thinking that could lead to some very bad decisions in the long run.


Start eating better. Determine your current caloric intake and lower it by about 200 per day. Eat all the roasted vegetables you want. Eat nuts instead of bread. Cut out all alcohol. This alone should be enough to help you drop a fair amount of weight; add a good exercise plan on top of that and you'll be fine.

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