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I read the other day that a man needs to clean his pipes out around every 3 days ...hehe....


So lets be honest....we all engage in self pleasure....partners or not...


How many men will admit that they do...? And how frequent ?


The previous poster said her bf swears he does not masterbate. ?? ( for one year )


Okay thats not going along with I read about....How long can a man go with no physical self stimulation or videos/magazines ect... to release ? :)

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I think if you don't do it yourself, it would just happen in your sleep.


Am I right?


I've never abstained for long enough to figure that one out.

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I don't remember my dreams anyway, I'd just wake up with a mess to clean up. Mom would wonder why I was doing my own laundry all of the sudden.

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  • 1 month later...

Not all guys masterbate. My ex never had. Never, ever in his life. And if you knew him, you'd believe it. I don't think "all" of anyone does any one thing. There are exceptions to the rule.


My current says while single he would clean the pipes out once or twice a week, but since we've gotten together I haven't given anything a chance to collect ;)

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it isn't necessarily true that both were lying.


well, actually, i would be akin to believe the one "neeeeeeeeeever" masturbated was lying, because well...i just think its unbelievable.


but as for the one who hasn't masturbated because he hasn't anything left to "collect" :laugh:


i do believe that. my boyfriend and i are extrememly sexual with each other (and i mean attitudes as well as activity). we do it in front of each other for our mutual enjoyment. he knows when i do it when he's not around (example--in an empty classroom right before the professor walked in :laugh: and he would have no problem telling me if he did the same. and i always ask out of sheer curiosity because i like to think of him that way!


in this case there isn't any reason to lie. plus, he's not a liar in general. not to mention he's always with me when he's not at work (which in his case is hardly a masturbation-friendly area!)


i just happen to have a lot more time on my hands than he does. i am sure if we were separated on a regular basis, it would occur often for him it just doesn't work out that way.

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Trust me, EC. The guy was so totally out of touch with his sexuality. You could just tell that he wouldn't even know how to do it.


But I do hate it when one little person on earth tries to tell me that "all" guys do anything, or that someone they don't even know is lying to me. (Dyer!) Come on man, you are not omnicient, and you need to accept that just because you do something, not every man does.

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I can believe there are people that have never masturbated. I know guys that have never been interested in sex, or dating women. It's not that they are gay, it just never interested them.

There are non-sexual people out there.


I am 41 and married and I still masturbate 9 to 10 times a week, even though it is not as satisfying as it used to be. I have been masturbating for over 25 years, and as a teen/early 20's I did it 15 to 20 times a week.


I think the longest I ever went without doing it was 5 days. I've tried to quit hundreds of times, but masturbating is the only way I can clear my head of sexual thoughts which helps me to then focus on other things.

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but masturbating is the only way I can clear my head of sexual thoughts which helps me to then focus on other things.


Ditto...I feel restless...until I do masturbate....



Love I'm jealous I know if my bf lived down here we wouldn't have time to masturbate either..lol





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Most people don't believe me when I tell them that my bf never masterbates....they tell me that I just don't know about it...haha...they just don't understand how sick and horny we both are all the time...haha...speaking of...I think tonight shall be nookie night...yay for me :p

a lot of girls lie about masturbating...either than or the poor fools never learned how...wanna hear something sick? I've been masturbating since I was like 2 because I saw my aunt having sex when she was babysitting me and I used to try and copy what I saw with my stuffed animals. I can't believe I'm actually telling you guys about this because it is like my number one muct embarrassing deep dark secret. All through elementry school until relaized that what I was doing was masturbation and that it was perfectly normal...i used to do it and then cry and pray to Jesus and swear that I would never do it again...it was really traumatic actually...I got into a lot of trouble for it...my dad used to beat the hell out of me for it...anyway...(shudder)(giggle)(cringe)

thats my story!

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All through elementry school until relaized that what I was doing was masturbation and that it was perfectly normal...i used to do it and then cry and pray to Jesus and swear that I would never do it again...it was really traumatic actually.




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stop laughing you thug loving hoochie! its not funny dammit is was traumatic...haha...ok so it is funny but it was awful at the time...I thought I was the spawn of satan for enjoying my stuffed animals so much...jeeze...this is embarrassing...at least you all can be sure that I'm honest from here on out. :laugh:

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Its okay love, I started at about 4 and I don't even know how or why...I got busted once that I remember too.


I've always been a hornball.


Candidly yours,


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I was honestly 29 when I started masturbating. Didn't really enjoy sex til I was thirty!


Now, I drive myself and my honey nuts!


I that living in a certain geographical region (read bible belt), or in a religious household probably makes it all the worse if you do masturbate. A lot of guys would never admit it. Heh, my nephew (who is my age) used to beg me for my Vickies Secret catalog.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Mary3

I read the other day that a man needs to clean his pipes out around every 3 days ...hehe....


So lets be honest....we all engage in self pleasure....partners or not...


How many men will admit that they do...? And how frequent ?


The previous poster said her bf swears he does not masterbate. ?? ( for one year )


Okay thats not going along with I read about....How long can a man go with no physical self stimulation or videos/magazines ect... to release ? :)


As a middle-aged man i can only say this? Different strokes for different folks! Hemmm!!!! :cool:

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