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My husband isn't allowed to masturbate. He can look at all the porn his little heart desires, but he's not allowed to masturbate. I'm tired of a low sex-drive because he's already done his thing by himself. :D

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What about single clicking?


And scrolling the mousewheel?


What about those?


Do you left-click or right-click?

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Question, do you get off just through the vibrator's internal, err, vibes, or do you have to do the combination?

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Papillion lol ! As far as playing with myself , because I have a high sex drive I admit to that whether a partner is in my life or not. Its always on the brain !

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Originally posted by Mary3

I read the other day that a man needs to clean his pipes out around every 3 days ...hehe....


So lets be honest....we all engage in self pleasure....partners or not...


How many men will admit that they do...? And how frequent ?


The previous poster said her bf swears he does not masterbate. ?? ( for one year )


Okay thats not going along with I read about....How long can a man go with no physical self stimulation or videos/magazines ect... to release ? :)


Well, the goo has to come out eventually so there are 3 ways:


-jerk off


-wet dreams




Wet dreams SUCK so I don't see why a single guy would rather have them than just handle his own business. Basically, masturbation for a guy is basically needed if he doesnt have another means (sex) to clean out the pipes. Any guy who isn't sexually active and says he doesn't jerk off is either lying or he is lceaning hsi sheets once or mroe a month.


I've gone like 3 weeks before (wanted to see how long I could go) without taking care of business. It sucked (kept thinking I was gonna have a wet dream) but when I finally decided to end the jerk off free period the uh outcome was pretty substantial. hehe


Oh and a guy can actually pee out semen if he has a lot of juice stored up. It's pretty weird.


I think I take care of my business because I know the stuff has to come out and also because it makes me function better as the ol hormones aren't trying to run everything. Basically, it has become a routine that I know my body needs to have done. If I was with a woman and lived together I doubt I would be masturbating all that much.

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Physiologically, an absence of orgasm causes the build up of prostate fluid and semen, which causes pressure in the prostate and on the urethra, which in turn leads to physical sexual arousal. When this happens during sleep, it causes erotic dreams, and the guy may ejaculate in his sleep. That's why it's called a "wet dream".


In men, sexual arousal if often intensely, mind-numbingly physiological, for this very reason, and it's completely different from women, who are aroused psychologically, first and foremost. This dichotomy often causes misunderstanding and hurt feelings.


I've never ever had a wet dream in my life, and none of my friends have, either.


Maybe it's just because we're a big bunch of wankers. :D

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I've noticed that if I wait too long in between wanks/shags, I come really, really quickly and sometimes the orgasm isn't all that enjoyable - almost like a premature ejaculation or something.


Usually, a good four or five day waiting period yields fantastic results. Like, I shoot it off like a rifle. PING!

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I find the most intense orgasms for me are when I am watching a movie of a man go down on a woman...Yippeeeeeeeeee!


Another one is : he is licking her breasts....I feel all of that ! lol

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