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Follow up on my paranoia--Especially for Tony


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So I apologized to this guy that I sent out that nasty email to...and he seemed a "bit" defensive, even though he pretended not to be. Anyway, while I was talking to him on the phone (I called him to apologize because I thought that would be more personable), we were both awkward and I was losing track of what I was saying and he said whether I wanted to have coffee with him. It was 9 pm on a Sunday night and I was surprised! I said yes and we hung out until midnight talking. It was very pleasant and I had a good time. I think we came to see our differences and we both let our guard down a bit. It turns out we both have similar experiences in being the outsider of society, so both have a strong defense mechanism when meeting people (in my case especially when I like somebody) to guard from the possibility of getting hurt I guess. He said that he wasn't turned off by my massive emails and he even said that his co-worker joked "she likes you"!!! He said he got obsessed over the thought that I might like him, but he said that he wasn't going to obsess over it and said that if things happen, they happen and if they dont' they don't. I was just sitting there listening to this pretending that I didn't like him in "that kind of way". Anyway, it turns out he's a very reserved shy person who has dated a lot of loser girls (in my opinion) and he never makes a move. So it must be a good sign that he liked me enough to hang out with me and "sort of" initiate things. So that's the follow up. I will keep people posted. I hope things work out between the two of us because I have been getting good advice from here. Especially from you Tony!!!



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Sounds great. But just don't go overboard here. Doesn't make any difference how shy he his. Stay out of his face. Don't do all of the initiating. You will not be desireable to him if you send him tons of Email and call him all the time.


Maybe he will be a nice match for you but just don't be too agressive here.


Good luck!!!

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