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Wat are girls shy about once they r naked, boobs or below the waist

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wat are girls shy about once they are naked, mostly they cover the boobs, some however put the palms of their hand and cover the pubic parts, wat r they shy in exposing then, my guess is the butt and the boobs.

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Women are most embarrassed by the parts of their bodies they feel are less than perfect (fat stomach, cellulite on legs, whatever).


I'm curious why you are wondering about this, though. If a girl covers herself, she's not feeling very romantic about the guy she's with. So, are you talking about when girls feel exposed in public (like a gym shower)? In which case any nudity is embarrassing -- and then it's every part that's associated with privacy and sexuality.


Whenever people are exposed against their wishes, there's a loss of dignity, sense of shame, concern over exposure or violation. No mystery here.


-- uriel

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I'm not shy at all about walking around totally naked, while making dinner or just watching T.V.


I'm not embarrassed about the way that I look, I have no reason to be. I don't cover any of my parts up unless I"m teasing my boyfriend. ;) he he he. That's always fun!


So, perhaps you mean some girls cover up. Perhaps some of the girls are uncomfortable with you seeing them naked. Have you had several one night stands?


The lack of intimacy and fear of judgment can make a girl cover herself.

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