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what should i do?


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hi well I have been dating the same guy for awhile now, and we get along good with each other. We laugh with each other, we can be serious etc. Sometimes everything is great and at other times, it is a little difficult to understand. He likes to go out to the bars and hang out with his friends a lot lately so I hardly see him. I really do care about him a lot, but I am just having a hard time figuring out what he is thinking. Sometimes he is so sweet and nice, and then other times, he seems distant. I can't figure out if I should take it personally or not. So I asked him about it and he said that he doesn't have to do with me. I am just an insecure person and seem to constantly need reassurance from him to be happy. Is there anyway, for me to relax a bit and not take everything so personally. I don't want to push him away with all my insecurities. Please help!!!

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Your hightened sense of insecurity is probably a symptom of the "distance" you feel between you. Which is not surprising since you are dating someone that you "hardly see".


Have you two agreed upon an exclusive dating situation(niether of you dating anyone else)?


I don't know how old you are, but, does he ever ask you to go to the bar with him?

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I don't blame you for feeling insecure, because his behavior lately would promote that feeling in anyone. I believe in clear communication and I think it is important for you to tell him that it is not because you are just a naturally insecure person, but that his actions make you feel like he is abandoning you.


You might need to underline the point that you need a man to be there for you and not be so distant. You can tell him you understand that he needs to hang out with his friends, but that you are the special person in his life and should be treated accordingly. If he acts like you are coming out of left field, then maybe he isn't the man for you.

Your hightened sense of insecurity is probably a symptom of the "distance" you feel between you. Which is not surprising since you are dating someone that you "hardly see".


Have you two agreed upon an exclusive dating situation(niether of you dating anyone else)?


I don't know how old you are, but, does he ever ask you to go to the bar with him?

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