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Dealing with a former hook up at work

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For about a month I was going out and getting drunk with this guy at work. It would always end up back at mine sleeping together.

The last time I went out with him he was really rude. Ignored me the entire night and only wanted my attention when he couldn't stand up because he was so drunk.

Now we don't hook up anymore. He stopped messaging me and it seems like hes over me.

Anyway we work right next to each other and I find it really awkward and uncomfortable when he starts talking to me "what's news?".

I know he is sleeping around with other people as I've found out through friends.

I basically don't want to talk to him. I hate the small talk and I feel like I'm not myself when this starts happening.

Do I just walk away? Smile but don't respond?

I wanna forget about what happened.

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I agree. No good can come from this unless you are both interested in a serious attempt at dating one another. If you are not and getting some ass that's cool too just do not expect anything serious. I still lean towards the last submission and try to avoid dating coworkers all together.

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I would try to avoid the person as much as possible. It's true...take it as a learning experience & don't hook up where you work.

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