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let it go or ?

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i have been friends with this girl for about 3 years now. she comforted me during a rough breakup a few months ago. we started hanging out doing everything together. we have been making really passionate love although we arent oficially an item. i was just kind of riding the flow. my feelings have gotten stronger though.


well now her ex has moved back and she still has strong feelings for him. hes a close friend of mine too. there relationship had always been off and on. and he never really treated her right. but she wants to stop what weve been doing for fear of hurting me cuz shes afraid she cant resist him so she says. we both acknowledge we have feelings for each other although i think mine are stronger. she knows how he is but she still wants him for some reason. she has always been a good friend and i shouldnt have let what has happened happen b/c now i got to shake these feelings. she says she is confused. i think it would be a mistake for her to go back to him. she is just going to get hurt again. he hasnt changed. i dont mean to hate on him either cuz like i said he is a good friend but i know how he is. i guess i just need to walk away while i still got the friendships. what do yall think

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Yes, you should back off to a friendship now (if you can). She wants to be with him. Let her go through that. Doesn't sound like it will last.


Sorry she's made this choice. Sometimes a woman feels that unless the man who rejects her or plays hard to get validates her, she won't be whole. She might not even understand why this is so.


Until she lets go of that, she won't be able to really value a relationship with a guy who thinks she's great out of the gate. I hope she comes back around, but I don't recommend you wait for her to do that.


-- uriel

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