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Trying to overcome

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I need help. I just can't seem to do this on my own.


I've been in what I guess you would call and EA with a coworker... I know...


Anyways, it escalated to kissing/touching about six months ago or so.


I know I need to break away and I want to, I think...but it's so hard seeing him everyday.


It's almost like the more I try to ignore my feelings and pull away, the stronger my desire becomes for him. Is this normal??? How can I overcome this and get to a point where I can see him/work alongside him without feelings such a strong urge to be close to him or with him?



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Can you transfer to a different department? If you can't control yourself then you need to remove yourself from the situation.

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I was in a similar situation that went on for 2 years. It ended, I'm crushed. I look back and wish I could have ended it on my own terms before the W discovered it. It will hurt like hell, but ending it after 6 months will hurt less than letting it carry on for years. Its going to end eventually, so don't invest more time and get attached more.


I agree with the department change. And unfortunately, possibly a job change. NC is the way to go.


Be strong. It sucks.

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