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Scared! Health thing, not related to sex


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Yesterday evening I noticed that my left thumb was numb.


I thought it would go away but this morning and all day I have a numb thumb and I noticed that my left index finger has also become numb!


What could this be? I am in my late twenties, in good physical shape (not overweight) and have no apparent health problems. Could this be the beginning of diabetes? Do you know of any medical forums I could go on to ask this question?

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Did this stem from any injury? Are both fingers completely numb? Do you have any feeling in them? Do you ride a bicycle? Do you play a musical instrument? It could be caused by a number of things. Usually it's benign, not a big problem at all.


Bodies are goofy sometimes. They do all sorts of stuff like hiccups, twitchy eyelids, pins and needles. It could mean nothing at all. Sometimes a particular nerve can cause the fingers to go numb, if you rest your elbow on a desk for a long period of time or if your arm is twisted just right or you're laying upon it while sleeping. It sometimes goes away if you just shake the hand out a little.


It could be nothing at all, or in extreme cases, it could be a symptom of something more serious, such as MS. You really don't know.


I do not know of any medical forums, but even those would be limited in the information and help they can provide you.


You can't self-diagnose yourself, and it's difficult for a medical forum to diagnose it as well over the net.


If you think this might be a symptom of a neurological problem and this problem persists, call or visit your physician and have it checked out.


Other than advising you to see your physician if it gets worse, I really can't be of further help. Good luck!


Let me know if you find any info on it, in case my finger ever goes numb.

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Forget the medical forums, you could be having some very serious problems. Get to a doctor as soon as possible.


Trying to diagnosis yourself online is extremely dangerous.

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