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Is a 32C size an attractive size?


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I'm just wondering like to most guys what is a good size? My measurements are 32C-29-41. People say I'm flat a lot of the time but I was looking at a girl my roommates who were bs and much smaller... So I'm wondering is it a good or bad size jw?

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I wear 32C or 34B...occasionally 34C depending on the cut.


I think whether you are flat or not depends on how the rest of your body looks/how proportionate. II have a waist meaurement of 24 or 25 so my boobs stand out more most likely. wouldnt say you are flat but you are pear shaped (nothing wrong with that...many men love tushies more than boobies...do you do squats/lunges/deadlifts/kickbacks? if not, you should and then youll have a really fine ass)


Also depends on the shape of your boobs...mine are flattened out more than the average female so I have had a lot of guys surprised when I take my shirt off.


Wow, thats alot of depth about boobs today...

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Nothing wrong with your boobs at all. Any size can be attractive - lot of flat-chested women who are hugely attractive too. Embrace it :). 32C is a good size.

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This is more preference based on individual likes. Yes, they are fine. I prefer 36b. So firm, nice. My ex had 36bs they where nice firm and round. Alas, she hit a spurt and they grew to a solid D. Still nice tho..

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My GF varies from 30C to 32C depending on factors I don't fully understand and I think it's a nice size and extremely shapely, but her other measurements are 21 or 22 and 30, so I'd humbly suggest perhaps focusing on your bra specification might be looking in the wrong place.

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OP there's nothing wrong or right about bra size. The thing is there a lot of ways a woman can be a 32C and in the end it's all about proportion. If your upper body is significantly smaller than your lower it will create an illusion of flatness. A 32C on a woman with 32 or 34 inch hips is going to look very different than it will on a woman who carries a bit more weight in her lower body.


Whatever the case, it's your rack. Enjoy it and don't waste your time worrying about whether it's big enough or not.

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Of the 4 guys I previously dated all 4 said they are more of a booty person than a boob person. It's just their preference and what they like. If they don't like what they see then they can move along.


I'm a 34D-26-36 and I was told by some that they'd prefer someone smaller and some told me they like they way I look. Who cares what your measurements are as long as you are confident in yourself?

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Don't care. Let's talk more about that 41.


No **** those pants are bigger than mine and I am 6'2 and could stand to loose another 2-4 inches on my waist size.

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No **** those pants are bigger than mine and I am 6'2 and could stand to loose another 2-4 inches on my waist size.


I think it's two different measurements...hips vs waist.


If you're 6'2" with a 29" waist though...then you DEFINITELY don't need to lose any weight.

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theyre tits. so anysize is nice. flat, big, small, hanging, stretch marks, veins, ifI can suck them, fondle them, play with them, smack'em (a little ;)) I dont care what size they are. tits are great. after I play with yours, you can play with mine HAHA

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Well Kim Kardashian is supposedly 36-26-39 Bra Size: 36 C. So the OP isn't far off those proportions depending on her height.


I would say she has a good bra size. If she goes to a shop to get measured she may well find that her bra size is a bit too small. Many women understate or underestimate their bra size.

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Kim's a 34D.


She's supposedly had breast implants lately I guess. But Look at pictures of her from say 2010 or earlier and say she's a bad shape?

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She's supposedly had breast implants lately I guess. But Look at pictures of her from say 2010 or earlier and say she's a bad shape?


KimK is stunning physically.

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How would any of us know Kim K's true bra size?


It does change with weight gain, loss, and age. And with pregnancy! (she's pregnant, right?)


I've been 32C. Great size! :laugh:

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Oh yeah I'm 122 lbs and 5'3" I'm not fat


Please don't hijack the thread. We're talking about Kim Kardashian, thank you very much.

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