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Every guy will cheat if he can get away with it.

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I've only been awake for about 15 minutes, and what I now know is that every man will cheat, women are going lesbian in droves, and ugly men never, ever get married or laid.


It's days like this when I'm glad I have to go to work soon.


OP, nice job stirring the pot, but unless you bring me back a signed list from all 3+ billion men on the planet saying that they would cheat, your argument is invalid.


If you really want to start flinging around generalizations, no woman cares, because we'll just move on to the next guy with money.

Edited by Treasa
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That's right, even married men. We are programmed to spread our seeds to as many females as possible. Don't cry and get over it!


No. I have been tempted before, but I have never given in.

I go out of town on business trips and to visit old friends and have had the opportunity where there was no chance of getting caught, but I did not take it.

I feel loyalty towards the girl I am with, but it really comes down to the fact that I take pride in thinking of myself as a man of integrity, so I doubt I will ever cheat.

I am sure there are many other guys like me.

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That's right, even married men. We are programmed to spread our seeds to as many females as possible. Don't cry and get over it!


You are delusional... please do not reflect your own personal feelings to the totality of men!

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I don't mean to generalize but long distance relationships seem to create that inclination to cheat.


I know someone in an LDR. He moved to a city (I won't say where) where girls throw themselves at men and it's not difficult to find above average looking men. I've seen him with different girls.


So it could be a multiple number of factors that culminated it. His character, the LDR, the location that provided opportunities for it.

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Absolutely. You are just being very honest and the rest of the men here are lying or never get female attention/options to cheat so they say they never will.


Romantic relationships and dating is a joke because of this. I plan to never get married...

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I'm assuming this is about "humans aren't meant for monogomy"...


I've googled it and there's compelling things that seem to back it up. TBS we're a tad bit more sophisted than animals so we're aware of the others feelings. What does science say about that??


This is a good summary.


"Cheating" is a product of character, not chromosomes.


Humans are not naturally monogamous, it's true.

But cheating is about lacking moral fibre, honesty, integrity and decency.


Having more than one partner - even at a time - is a programmed quality.


However, our social conditioning is so strong, that such an idea appals most people... Polyamory is still broadly misunderstood, and even bigamy is seen as a heathen or unnatural practice.


Neither is accurate, but they are true to our society and how we develop.


If we undertake to live in a particular way, then we should do so, and be true to others and to ourselves.

But if we decide that we want to live a lifestyle where more than one partner would suit us - then we should live that way, but again, be honest, be safe and don't lie about it.


It's the subterfuge and denial, the lies and the betrayal that do the damage.

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That's right, even married men. We are programmed to spread our seeds to as many females as possible. Don't cry and get over it!


This definitely wins the prize for the week's most retarded post. Men, as creatures with reasonably well-developed forebrains and neocortices are perfectly capable of impulse control, especially in a world where actually getting any sex at all (and keeping a partner) is already a fairly difficult proposition for most of them. Even the less intelligent, less morally upstanding guy has some rough grasp of how stupid it is to risk a given for a possibility.

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I'm programmed to snatch and hoard shiny objects. No sparkly thing is safe when I'm nearby. Jewelry counters at departments stores - get over it. Shoplifting is my natural condition.


Yeah, he made a ridiculous statement, but that is because he's one of those people who project their emotions onto everyone else. Can't blame him, he's just not able to imagine a different mentality.

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Absolutely. You are just being very honest and the rest of the men here are lying or never get female attention/options to cheat so they say they never will.


Romantic relationships and dating is a joke because of this. I plan to never get married...


Eh nevermind.

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Absolutely. You are just being very honest and the rest of the men here are lying or never get female attention/options to cheat so they say they never will.


Romantic relationships and dating is a joke because of this. I plan to never get married...


What am I? An anomaly? A glitch in the "program"? A one in a million?

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Cheating is a choice. Someone with good character and conscience can still choose to cheat. I'm not sure where the idea is coming from that only bad people cheat, but that's absurd.

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Cheating is a choice. Someone with good character and conscience can still choose to cheat. I'm not sure where the idea is coming from that only bad people cheat, but that's absurd.



My point is that cheating is a bad choice.

I've never said people who cheat are bad.

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Cheating is a choice. Someone with good character and conscience can still choose to cheat. I'm not sure where the idea is coming from that only bad people cheat, but that's absurd.


Well it is a bad choice to cheat and if that person who chooses to cheat never once feels any remorse for their decision then yes I think that makes them a bad person.

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The guys I work with were talking about it at work a few days ago. Every single one of them has cheated on their gf. But again, I work with pigs.


As an edit I will add that none of them want to get married.. they all give various reasons.. I personally think they just want to keep on living their piggy lifestyle.

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That's right, even married men. We are programmed to spread our seeds to as many females as possible. Don't cry and get over it!


Thankfully, this is not true. There are men who value integrity and hold themselves to the standard of faithfulness, since they value faithfulness. There are also women who value integrity and hold themselves to the standard of faithfulness, since they value faithfulness.

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The guys I work with were talking about it at work a few days ago. Every single one of them has cheated on their gf. But again, I work with pigs.


As an edit I will add that none of them want to get married.. they all give various reasons.. I personally think they just want to keep on living their piggy lifestyle.


Then why do they have GFs? This is what I don't get. If people want to just sleep around with a bunch of different people then stay single and do it the honest way. What is so hard about that? Stop lying to people who want monogamous relationships.

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Humans have always engaged in multi-relationships.


Promuscuetiy is something that is from all time.


Under humans and animals polygamy is more practiced then polyandry


Cheating on the other hand has nothing to do with promiscuity, or anything like that.


Even when you live in a polygamy or polyandrysociety, or an modern polyamory relationship: cheating still happens.

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Given the right woman, I would never even give cheating a thought. Have that same woman start treating me badly, and watch how fast I become distracted.



There are ups and downs in relationships.


I get what youre saying but it sounds like if a woman doesnt treat you right all the time you can get distracted

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That's right, even married men. We are programmed to spread our seeds to as many females as possible. Don't cry and get over it!


Speak for yourself. Never cheated, never will, and have been on plenty of trips and opportunities and it was all too easy to go back to my hotel room alone.

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Men, as creatures with reasonably well-developed forebrains and neocortices are perfectly capable of impulse control,


Maybe not the OP, though.

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Maybe not the OP, though.


It's moot for the op, though...in order to cheat, you need someone to cheat with.

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It's moot for the op, though...in order to cheat, you need someone to cheat with.


And before that, even, you'd need someone to cheat ON!

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