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Its hard to stay jst friends with her ....

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Hay guys

Im in need of help here..

Ok here’s the situation … im a 16 year old guy and im in love or shuld I say really like this girl … shes 15 .. and she goes to my church so I only see her once every week on average..

We both really like each other but we agreed to stay jst friends till we’re older and more mature … we tried to stay apart from each other for abt 3 months but it was too much to handle for eg we kept on calling each other on the phone , calling each other sweetie , hun …and not acting like friends at all etc and got REALLY close.. so on the 22th August , we sat on a bench together and started to hold hands and then we kissed for our first time .. so now we’re going out .. so here’s the prob , we both really want to go out together but I FEEL like the chances of us breaking up is pretty high considering that we’re still young.. what shuld I do now ??

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my opinion is if you like this girl alot...then stick with the relationship. You never know where your future may take you in relation to where hers will take her. Just have fun with her, treat her right and even if you do break up down the road; if you can remain friends afterwards theres nothing that says that you couldnt get back together when you both are older if you both are still in eachothers lives.

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Yea thanks so much for the reply

i was wondering .. whats the chances of a having a long distance relationship ?

because this girl broke up with me because we had to lie to our parents while sneaking out .. and in the future i might shift to a different uni .. which is furthur away ... so i tot if its possible i can start a relationship when we're older because we're still in love .. but ill be so far away from her .... So u think its ever possible for me to get back again with her in the future while im on a different island ? she kept saying something abt not knowing what will i get up to when im over bymyself ...

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