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Cutting my nose off to spite my face.


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So, I have been like so sex starved for the last few days. We have an active sex life, its very fulfilling, but because of various stressors and illness, we went four days with no sex. I know, thats not that long to some folks, but it is for us. I have been practically begging for it.


Yes, I did masturbate, but while its a means to an end, its not the same. Its...functional at best.


My husband comes in from a family get together (that I had left early with the kids from, because our daughter was ill), and he is suddenly all de-stressed. Well, after four days, the exhaustion of a sick child, and being in a great deal of pain, I find him searching the bedroom....for our lube. I asked what he was doing and he told me he was looking for our "friend" and lay himself out on the bed like a thanksgiving feast.


Now, normally I don't look a gift horse in the mouth, nor am I prone to using sex as manipulation. Please? Why on earth would I refuse just because I am pissy? That doesn't hurt him, it hurts me too. But tonight I looked at him, and all the frustration of four days of us being out of whack, exhaustion, and my being in pain, and I got so enormously angry.


He was laying there, big wonderful penis hard as could be, a bottle of lube on the bed beside him, and all I could think was "How dare you?" After four days of no, suddenly when he is all better and in the mood, I am supposed to just jump on board.


I have never ever felt that way before. We have a good relationship. We even "fight" well. Sex is never one sided. I pride myself on not being a typical woman, and there I was, horny as could be, thinking..."I don't think so buster, it ain't that easy."


What on earth is wrong with me?

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Oooo. Petulance. Truly one of the less-attractive attitudes a person can have. Apologize, tell him you don't know what got into you, and eat crow.


You were ticked, possibly, that he got to stay at the party and have fun and you had to go home with a sick kid. Which, you have to admit, isn't that admirable a snark to lay on someone, particularly if that's a rare event.


Are you anywhere near 35?

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Yes, I am thirty four.


I am a happy go lucky person and have never had this happen before. I like to think we have a very balanced relationship. We were friends for years before we started dating. This threw me for a loop. I wasn't nasty about it. At least not outloud, but its made me wonder what on earth is wrong with me.


I just told him I was too tired, and we did cuddle.


I don't understand this bit of me at all.

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Have you read up on perimenopause? The craziness of menopause doesn't necessarily wait until you're 52. Perimenopause can begin up to 15 years before menopause. You really want to look into it if these things are starting to happen.

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