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worst fear come true


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i thought i had the perfect boyfriend and perfect relationship until a few weeks back when he left me for someone else he'd met while we were still together. in hindsight, there were a few things said and done that made my ears prick up, but now i'm left with this awful feeling of loss of what we had together and this sick to the stomach feeling of him being intimate with her like he was with me, him touching her and him wanting her more than me, and falling in love with her.


this has devestated me more than i can put into words. i feel so crushed that he thought he'd found someone better than me. all my friends keep teeling me he's a damn idiot and he doesn't know what he had in me.


being cheated on was always my worst fear and now it's come true. i feel like such an idiot for ever trusting him and i feel like such an idiot because he was still affectionate to me up until the end.


my heart hurts that he's not with me. i feel sick that he's with someone else and i feel so lost now.

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I can imagine how you must be feeling and the pain and


shock you're going through.


He sounds like a jerk, and your friends are telling you too that he's an idiot.


There's one thing you could do that might be the tiniest bit helpful. Get a piece of paper and make a list of all the


things you hate about him. Write down everything you can think of, and add to the list. Now everytime you start missing him and feeling sad, pull out that list and just read over it. It might be helpful for a while.


In due time, he'll fade away from your mind..once you realize that you can do much better, that you deserve a guy that will be faithful to you. You deserve better than him. Don't lose hope.

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Thanks Sparkle. I was thinking about that this morning, i.e. making a list of the things that I don't like about him, but for some insane reason, I felt bad. But now, I don't. He doesn't feel bad about what he did to me, so why the hell should I care about his feelings? I've been trying to tell myself that he's done me a favour. He'll only probably do the same thing to the next girl. Why? Because I was so good to him, and he couldn't have asked for anyone better, yet he still felt he had to go elsewhere. Well, good luck buster, because you've lost out on me!!!!!! (I'm actually feeling a bit mad now!)


And as the old saying goes "What goes around comes around" and with the state of mind I'm in, I hope he gets what he deserves (and that's not a nice girl!!!)


okay, enough of me sounding like a woman scorned. I'm now going to go off quietly (like a woman scorned) and do what you suggested and write down the things that are not appealing at all about him. and while I'm at it, i'm going to have a nice perve on some DECENT guys.


Thanks again for your help sparkle. I just hope this angry feeling that's with me tonight stays, because i don't want to feel anymore pain than i've already felt.

Tash, I can imagine how you must be feeling and the pain and shock you're going through. He sounds like a jerk, and your friends are telling you too that he's an idiot. There's one thing you could do that might be the tiniest bit helpful. Get a piece of paper and make a list of all the things you hate about him. Write down everything you can think of, and add to the list. Now everytime you start missing him and feeling sad, pull out that list and just read over it. It might be helpful for a while. In due time, he'll fade away from your mind..once you realize that you can do much better, that you deserve a guy that will be faithful to you. You deserve better than him. Don't lose hope.


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I wish you the best of luck. This guy sounds like a real jerk. Don't even think about this jerk again. You deserve someone that is SO Much better than him. If he tries to come back and sweet talk you don't be persuaded by his crap. Kick him to the curb and leave him there. :) Well, I hope that helped some. Best of Luck. Bye.



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I have a trick of picturing the guy I want to get out of my mind as a seedy, greasy Lounge Singer, with his shirt open to his waist and lots of gold necklaces. He is singing, "I Did It My Way" and looking really corny. It is such a ridiculous image that it makes me laugh at the jerk instead of caring so much.

Tash, I wish you the best of luck. This guy sounds like a real jerk. Don't even think about this jerk again. You deserve someone that is SO Much better than him. If he tries to come back and sweet talk you don't be persuaded by his crap. Kick him to the curb and leave him there. :) Well, I hope that helped some. Best of Luck. Bye. ~Mike~
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Deejette :)


hahah I'm sitting here laughing..picturing one of my


ex-bf's like that. hahah it really does help





I have a trick of picturing the guy I want to get out of my mind as a seedy, greasy Lounge Singer, with his shirt open to his waist and lots of gold necklaces. He is singing, "I Did It My Way" and looking really corny. It is such a ridiculous image that it makes me laugh at the jerk instead of caring so much.
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