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How am I supposed to know if a woman is flirting with me?

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As far as I know, no woman has ever flirted with me. I say as far as I know because I do not really know what flirting looks like and have in the past misinterpreted normal behavior as flirting.


I know that the average woman, when interested in a man, will subtly flirt with him in the hope that he will ask her out and may see it as him rejecting her if he does not ask her out. The woman may think she is making it obvious that she likes the guy, but he may actually have no clue she is interested. Since this is the case, what are the things that one should look for to decide if a woman is flirting with him or not?

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excuses to be around you- when they could easily be somewhere else.

playing with the hair , draws attention to there face, because the face gives clearer indications i.e eye contact , facial expressions. etc.

touchy themselfves - thigh rubbing , (yes thiegh rubbing)

being fidgety.

- you get a feeling when a woman flirts with you.

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Since you're new to this, don't assume that just because a girl is flirting with you it means she likes you. The two do not always go hand in hand.

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I have not heard of people flirting with others they are not interested in. I will keep that in mind.


Some people will flirt with a damn tree. They claim they just have a flirty personality.

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Feelin Frisky

There have been times when I would go into a store or lunch joint and instead of the cute cashier just dropping my change in my hand, she'd take my hand with her other hand and place the change into my hand with care while making eye contact. That's just an example of something that happened several times. If she's wearing a name tag, say, well thank you Miss ___ and make sure you show her you're looking at her name tad so she doesn't think you're a stalker or something. If you like her ask if her she gets a break and wants to chat. I boffed a couple of very lovely women via that route. Chances are they are that way with other guys though. Another was lovely and perked up when I bought my lunch from her--very dainty and wore a sweater the way I like. I had to ask: "married lady are ya?" She nodded yes. I left her alone after that although I think she wanted some extramarital action. Women even flirt in ways that you can miss and I missed my share. If someone in your range of age and attractiveness asks you for directions on a street, subway, campus, don't give her directions. Tell her you're going that way even if you're not and walk with her until you can show her the way. It's a way to start a conversation. If you're a hot enough looking guy you'll be surprised that women initiate--you just have to learn not to be dense and get the conversation continuing.

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