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OK beginning to hate my girlfriend

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BUT, on a side note. she does say things to me (without prompting)

things like:

she wishes never met any other man and it i could have met you when i was 20.

she never liked sex until she met me.

she said the only reason she ever slept with the guy (from my initial post) is because her best friend had somebody- and she felt lonely

i just wonder if thats the usual crap that women say?


Men say crap women want to hear

Women rarely do that unless shes very manipulative


You are in the clear....stop worrying!

People who are lost and going through hard times in life do things they are ashamed of too by the way.

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I got over reading your whiny BS.

You're looking for the answer you already want, you're not willing to work at anything at all.


To be honest, I think she deserves better than a man who would constantly bring up a night that she is so obviously ashamed of. Everyone has something in their past that they're not proud of. I can honestly say I've never had a one night stand, but I've been with someone I knew and regretted it and felt extremely ashamed because of it. And my current partner doesn't bring it up every week or think I'm disgusting for it, because he knows that everyone has something they're ashamed of, and most importantly he knows that I'm 100% devoted to him and love him, and him alone. If you don't trust your girlfriend to love you now, then you shouldn't be with her, she deserves better; she deserves someone who trusts her completely.


She told you the truth at the start, but because you pressed it again, she hoped she could shift your uneasiness by changing her story a bit. She's obviously not very accustomed to 'playing the sexual field', and she probably blames herself for the failings of her previous relationships (instead of the scumbags), and so she didn't want this thing that she can never change to destroy her relationship with the man she loves.


Seriously, grow the f**k up and learn to love her as she is right now, right in front of you, or get the f**k out of her life. She doesn't the person she loves constantly making her feel like ****.

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...So, warmsaki, you have a bigger cross-section of responses now.

It seems a lot of people have come down on you hard, for the way you're acting.

I would think my suggestion that you both seek therapy is quite tame now, by comparison.;)


So there you go.

More than one option.


Seek therapy,

Break up, or

Shut the phukk up.


Decisions, decisions.

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indeed, thanks for the responses everyone- i needed that.

i think im trying to pick holes in my relationship for nothing - i dont think im good enough or have what it takes to keep a girl

as people have said im very insecure so i try to destroy everything that means something to me - so in the end im the one who controlled the destruction - if that makes sense .


but yes- thanks . everyone helped - even you taramaiden -cheers.

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indeed, thanks for the responses everyone- i needed that.

i think im trying to pick holes in my relationship for nothing - i dont think im good enough or have what it takes to keep a girl

as people have said im very insecure so i try to destroy everything that means something to me - so in the end im the one who controlled the destruction - if that makes sense .


but yes- thanks . everyone helped - even you taramaiden -cheers.


take yourself to therapy and find out why you are so threatened by things that happened before you were together. that is not normal.

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