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My tummy a distraction?

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I love my body.... except for my tummy. Its a bit curvy, but i love to eat! And i really believe i have a great body besides this, i am skinny its just that my stomach isnt flat. Is this distracting to any guys out there? does this make me less attractive? I will post a pic if the description isn't enough.. I want honesty! Is it worth putting in extra effort and excercising more and dieting? I am 18 btw



PS Reading this over, i sound very self conscious! Im not though, I just want an honest opinion on wether I should try to get a flatter stomach(or try harder, I am already doing yoga twice a week now) :)

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If you have a lil pooch that isn't a problem for many guys. I wouldn't worry over it. Though being in shape never hurts.

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