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Heartbreak material


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So we're sitting in Bull McCabe's, hiding from the April rain, talking and drinking, and eventually we get into past relationships and exes and whatnot, and I give him the Cliff's Notes version of the whole saga, explaining the initial whirlwind, the college romance, the breakup and reunion and the breakup again and how heartbroken I was over it afterwards.


"Wow," he says in his lazy Staten Island drawl. "That's kinda cool."


"What's cool?"


"Well...it kinda makes me feel better, in a way."


"What does?"


"That you're actually capable 'a gettin your heart broken in the first place."


I pause, blinking a couple times in surprise, genuinely taken aback.


Then, smiling hesitantly, I tilt my head and consider him from across the small table. "...Do I not strike you as the type?"


"Nah," he says, returning the smile. "Ya don't."

Edited by BadlyDrawnGrrl
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