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Would a dorky or dumb sounding person come across better if they just stayed very...

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No way. I sound about a dorky as they come, and I've found that life is too short not to babble on as I please. Joke 'em if they can't take a f*ck.

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Ross! WE were wondering about you. Thought maybe that you had been in an accident from trying to go through a round about.


If you are referring to yourself then you can always improve your vocabulary and you can also read up on stuff to expand your knowledge.

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Ross! WE were wondering about you. Thought maybe that you had been in an accident from trying to go through a round about.


If you are referring to yourself then you can always improve your vocabulary and you can also read up on stuff to expand your knowledge.


Hey man, I'm okay, just kinda lost interest in the site since I don't really fit in with most people on here, and there's quite a few people here who are obnoxious anyway.


I was thinking of myself and anyone really when I was asking the question.


I know I can be very quiet myself, mainly because I can never really think of much to say, and a lot of the time when I can think of something to say, it just seems like it's not worth saying. I don't think I was always like this, I think I became like this because of being treated badly and being made fun of by others for my opinions/what I say.

Edited by Ross MwcFan
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quiet and hardly spoke?


Just curious.



I do keep quiet in strange situations ross, not with people who know me and care about me i can be myself and feel comfortable, i do have foot in mouth disease and have said things i regret to people i dont know that well,i much prefer just to listen and speak less with people i dont know....deb

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NO. Never hold back the inner dorkiness.


People who don't like it don't need a place in your life. Those who DO like it will adore you for it. :)

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NO. Never hold back the inner dorkiness.


People who don't like it don't need a place in your life. Those who DO like it will adore you for it. :)


Thanks. :)

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Hey man, I'm okay, just kinda lost interest in the site since I don't really fit in with most people on here, and there's quite a few people here who are obnoxious anyway.


I was thinking of myself and anyone really when I was asking the question.


I know I can be very quiet myself, mainly because I can never really think of much to say, and a lot of the time when I can think of something to say, it just seems like it's not worth saying. I don't think I was always like this, I think I became like this because of being treated badly and being made fun of by others for my opinions/what I say.


The fact that people had asked about you while you were away says a lot about you fitting in.


I agree that there are a few obnoxious people here. If I could get rid of them I would but I have to learn to ignore them. You should too.


One thing that you need to learn is to not let the opinions of others about you affect you in that way.

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I find you interesting when you speak Ross. There are definitely a few people I've run into who seemed a lot more interesting before they opened their mouth though.

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quiet and hardly spoke?


Just curious.


No way, Ross.


Talk and be yourself, screw it. I've made friends with a nice, hot chic last summer, and myself being a dork, nervous, shy and fighting for words....she liked me enough to laugh, talk and be around. She is now leaving the state and she invited me to a platonic lunch date and to say goodbye this week.


I know for fact if I kept my mouth shut and acted quiet I would of come off as weird and not as likeable. I'm telling ya, Ross..... Talk like a dork, choke on your words, be nervous, because the best woman are the ones who "get" that and like to be around you anyways, even if you're a shy guy.

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Well there's an old saying, attributed to many great thinkers. It goes "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." What that means is there are some people who are really loud and must always be heard on every topic, even if they have no clue what they are talking about. I don't see you that way. If you can't think of anything meaningful to add to a conversation then remain silent. That's what I do. On the other hand, if what is being talked about interests you and you want to add your views then speak your mind. No one will hold it against you.

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I find that the best way for me to improve the way I talk is to practice talking. I've learned to stop caring so much how I sound. Most people if they have a kind heart will overlook whatever awkwardness is there. Others might find it quirky and actually like it. A few people seem to like me in spite of how weird I feel I must be, so I'm guessing that "sounding cool" or whatever you want to call it is overrated. Anyone who has something bad to say can go to hell.

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"It is better to remain silent and be presumed a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"


- Mark Twain


I love that quote, and I'm a fan of Mr. Twain and his famous dryness so I couldn't resist using the quote here where it's appropriate.


Having used the quote, let me say I also stand by it. I'm not sure how we're defining "dorkiness" but I think if you're in a conversation where you feel out of your depth, it's best not to attempt to contribute to it.

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I'm pretty socially awkward myself. Overall, I see it better to say something than nothing at all. Try to make small steps with anyone. Essentially, when you do have something to say, say it!

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