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i don't understand this situation, nor do i know what do.


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i need big help.i've never had a girlfriend before but there is this girl i like at my campus. she's very difficult to understand, if u know what i mean.


i can't figure out if she likes me by just observing the way she looks at me or stuff like that. i want to tell her how i feel about her but i don't know when to tell her or how.


she and almost all of her friends know that i like her,but she's one of those i'm-not-going-to-have-a-boyfriend kind of girl.i know this because i had inside information from a very trusted souce (her cousin). anytime one of our buddies points out my feelings for her, she giggles and turns bright red.


but it's like she doesn't want to admit that she is aware of my feelings for her. i realize that this situation is a big mess, but i am not sure how i should handle it or what i should understand form all of this. please help me.


thank you!

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Sounds like she's into playing games. :mad: I mean, if she already knows how you feel, but won't give you a clear 'yes' or 'no' about her feelings, then she's playing games. It's like she's stringing you along. I don't know, just going on what you wrote.


So if she wants games, then give her games. IGNORE HER! That's right, immerse yourself in your other hobbies and activities. She'll miss your attention really quickly. That's when you'll find out how she really feels about you. If she really does like you back, then she'll start finding ways to fall into your path. She might even make herself more available to you. Don't fall for it right away. Let her see that you have a life and your attention is not guaranteed. After you really get the feeling that she's sincerely interested, then set up a date and go from there.


If she's NOT very much interested in you, then she'll still find ways to fall into your path because your attention is a huge ego boost for her. Don't fall for it. Stay aloof for a while. Eventually, she'll find some reason to be mad at you and she'll go away in a huff. In that case, good riddance. You deserve better.


Good luck! Either way it goes, I wish you the best. :)

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