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Can she change her ways?

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bob the brave

I know a single girl that cheated with a married man whom she knew also had affairs with other married women. She has met his wife and two grade school age daughters. It wasn't an affair, she didn't love him, she just wanted sex.


She can seem very sweet and is responsible in her job. Do you think such a woman would cheat in marriage or do you think it is possible she would change her ways for the right guy?

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There's a thread on this.


I highly doubt you'll be able to predict people's future on the internet.

Not everyone in the same.



It just matters what you believe. If she says shes honest and you believe that, then great. If you can't believe that, the trust will never be there regardless of reality - so it won't work.


Good luck

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I know a single girl that cheated with a married man , she just wanted sex.



So you take the word of a liar and a cheater at face value?

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bob - how old is she? Women/girls in their 20's or early 30's simply don't have the moral compass that older guys expect or are used to. These women are interested in hook-ups, FWB, and casual sex in general. If she's young then she's just doing what the other girls do and enjoying her sexual freedom.


I think guys have to re-adjust their expectations of these younger women. They will get tired - as we all do - of emotionless sex and crave a relationship with a good man. Once they are ready for this I think they will be as faithful as any women. Which, by the way, is not as faithful as us men would like but that's a different story.

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Do you think such a woman would cheat in marriage or do you think it is possible she would change her ways for the right guy?


Is it POSSIBLE she would be faithful to the right guy? Sure.


Would it be incredibly stressful to a guy who decided to take a chance on her, always wondering if he is the "right guy" or if she's out sleeping with someone else? Definitely!

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bob - how old is she? Women/girls in their 20's or early 30's simply don't have the moral compass that older guys expect or are used to. These women are interested in hook-ups, FWB, and casual sex in general. If she's young then she's just doing what the other girls do and enjoying her sexual freedom.


I think guys have to re-adjust their expectations of these younger women. They will get tired - as we all do - of emotionless sex and crave a relationship with a good man. Once they are ready for this I think they will be as faithful as any women. Which, by the way, is not as faithful as us men would like but that's a different story.


...And these are usually the type of women that bitch about why they can't find a good guy to commit.

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