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"What is your intention in wanting my phone #?"


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Well, this was a curve ball, usually I have no problem getting phone #'s from women if we've met in person , hung out, etc.


This one woman I met at an outdoor event with a group of people. When I asked her for her phone # she asked what my intention was for using it if she did give it to me.


To keep from giving a definitive answer, I threw the ball back in her court by just basically expressing that I thought she was a fun person to be around and engaging in in conversation, and if you don't feel comfortable in giving it to me just yet, that's fine.



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Well, this was a curve ball, usually I have no problem getting phone #'s from women if we've met in person , hung out, etc.


This one woman I met at an outdoor event with a group of people. When I asked her for her phone # she asked what my intention was for using it if she did give it to me.


To keep from giving a definitive answer, I threw the ball back in her court by just basically expressing that I thought she was a fun person to be around and engaging in in conversation, and if you don't feel comfortable in giving it to me just yet, that's fine.




That was a good call let her make the next move.

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she asked what my intention was for using it if she did give it to me......




"That's interesting.... why do you ask me that?"


Puts the ball very firmly in her court.


Defend that!

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I don't know if there is any purpose for obtaining a # than for the sake of communication.


Is there any other purpose?


If she asked me this question, I would ask if she is always this difficult or if she's only playing hard to get?


If she gave me anything other than a giggle, I would smiled and said "nevermind."


Left it at that.

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Me: "So I can call you. Are you retarded?"


Her: "That's not a very nice thing to say."


Me: "Ha ha. Why else would I ask for it?"


Her: "You're a jerk.

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Well, this was a curve ball, usually I have no problem getting phone #'s from women if we've met in person , hung out, etc.


This one woman I met at an outdoor event with a group of people. When I asked her for her phone # she asked what my intention was for using it if she did give it to me.


To keep from giving a definitive answer, I threw the ball back in her court by just basically expressing that I thought she was a fun person to be around and engaging in in conversation, and if you don't feel comfortable in giving it to me just yet, that's fine.




It's one of two things.


1. She wasn't terribly interested and didn't want to give it so made it difficult.


2. She WAS interested but she was just the sort of girl to test you a little so she made you work for it. In those situations you just need to brush it off and not appear flustered. I don't think the best route is to express serious interest here or tell her you're gonna bring her on some wonderful date. I think the best thing to do is just take out your phone, tell her key in her number and you're gonna text/call her later, say "You look cute and I'm having fun, here key in your number, I wanna meet you again".

If you are at some sort of event where you can have an excuse to meet her it actually makes it a little easier... like "Oh, have you tried the sushi at..., here, give me your number, we have to go sometime".


Just be forward, telll her you want her number and give her your phone instead of asking, shows confidence.

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What are your intentions?


I wouldn't want someone to call me just to talk.


Maybe what she was trying to say is: if you are going to ask me out, ask me out! When the date is planned, you exchange phone numbers anyway.

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Best scenario:


Guy: Hey could I get your phone number?


Girl: If I give it to you, what are your intentions for using it?


Guy: Uh.. I just wanted to practice counting.


Girl: (Implodes)


The End.


Okay, I usually know of this happening with girls that get asked for their numbers a lot. She was just testing you, she may have had other guys waste her time in getting her number. So she simply wanted to see if you would be direct in telling her that you wanted to ask her on a date. Your answer just skirted around the idea. And the average guys will give her a similar response. You know the, "Oh I just thought we could hang out" response. So you pretty much fell in the same category as those other men.


Two ways of handling this is either being direct and telling her that you want to take her out on a date.


Or you can banter back with contextual lines that suggest dating like...


"I'm going to shoot you a text. So you know when to pick me up for dinner."

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"I'm going to shoot you a text. So you know when to pick me up for dinner."



in what scenario would a woman be picking up a man for dinner.

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What about this one?


You: May I have your phone number please?


Her: Why, what are your intentions?


<awkward pause>





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Her: What are your intentions.


You: So we can keep in touch.


To be honest in our day and age and depending on your age asking for a email, skype, and even FB are at least as good. Often those modes offer certain advantages over the phone.

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When the year is 2013, not 1213.


I'm sure women would be trampling eachother to get at the guy who needed a ride to their first date.

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That was a good thing to say since you didnt put pressure on her. She doesnt sound too keen though.


I havent dated in 5 months and I plan on not dating at all for the rest of the year. Any guy who asks me for my # wants to date/have sex at some point so I just say "Im not looking to date anyone right now so I dont give out my number" Works everytime for me.

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What about this one?


You: May I have your phone number please?


Her: Why, what are your intentions?


<awkward pause>






Her: (Pulls out a Taser and tases you)


You: (Convulsing in pain until you fall unconscious)


<30 minutes later.. she has left. You get on your Facebook through your phone>


You: Hey friends, I met an amazing woman today. I think I'm in love.

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To clarify, she's within a year of getting her divorce finalized actually. So it's been a few months since her divorce has been final. So that might have a lot to do with it, too.




That was a good thing to say since you didnt put pressure on her. She doesnt sound too keen though.


I havent dated in 5 months and I plan on not dating at all for the rest of the year. Any guy who asks me for my # wants to date/have sex at some point so I just say "Im not looking to date anyone right now so I dont give out my number" Works everytime for me.

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"What are your intentions?"


"So I can tell you about all the amazing things that Herbalife can do for you."

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well, after I replied to her....she didn't give me her digits, and just talked about something else that's going on in her life, and continues to get to know me on Facebook instead.


Might as well chalk this one up, not going to press her for the digits again.

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Well, what were your intentions?


If you wanted to ask her out, just say, "So I can ask you out, silly." If she shoots you down, then you know at that point she's not interested and move on. If she gives you her number, you know she wants to go out with her.


I don't understand why so many of you want to give her some snarky response. What's the point of that?

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That's because, asking someone if they want to go out with you based on a first meeting is asking for rejection. Furthermore, what says the man is 100% sure about her?

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I'm sure women would be trampling eachother to get at the guy who needed a ride to their first date.



Don't be so rigid. Loosen up a little. :) There are men in big cities who don't have a car, and women who LOVE their car and want to pick up the man. Some women don't even want to be picked up by a stranger, so they meet at the destination separately. And finally, maybe a woman can pick up a man just as a man can pick up a woman, what on earth is the difference?

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