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Friends?Lover hell yet again

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I have written before and things got better but now they are beginning to bother me yet again.


Long story short, I keep going back and forth with my best friend. we think the world of each other, are always there for each other and have been FWB off and on. The FWB part isn't the problem. It's the emotional outburst that have happened over the past year with him. The drunk I love you phone calls (he swears he's an honest drunk and never remembers saying these things), the friends of his telling me he is always talking about me wondering what I am doing when I am not with him (worried I am out meeting guys), introduces me to his friends as his "girl" (he says it's so they don't try to hit on me), the protectiveness of not wanting me to find someone, telling me he nevers wants to lose me and if he were ready for a relationship I would be the first one on his list. UGH...


I make little jokes lately, like, gee, I could never be your girlfriend and the immediate response is, "why do you say that, we are ONLY friends." I really don't get it. Hot, cold, hot and cold. Not really sure if I have feelings for him but it's so frustrating to have someone do these things to you. Perhaps, I should just not think about it and go with the flow but it does bother me.


If I bring it up, it ends up being denied or made into this is how a friendship is. Hmm, I feel like I am in a relationship with him but just not with a title. He calls me at least 3 times a day, emails, talk to me online. It's weird. We tried taking time away from each other but he missed me too much and ended up calling me.


Any thoughts?

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Yep. He's screwed up. Your relationship will continue like this until you decide you can't stand it anymore and issue some sort of ultimatum, at which time he'll either straighten up or continue to waffle. If the former, you might have a relationship. If the latter, you should flee rapidly and far.

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