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I have dreams about my Girlfriend's sister!!!!! WHY???

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What The Hell?

I'm 27, my GF is 23...she has a sister who is 25. . .




Been with my girl 5 good years. I love her. She's beautiful.


but she has this sister who, for some odd reason, i've always had dreams about...Too many to ignore.

Usually dreams where me and her are kissing or were holding hands or sleeping

together, never sex or anything like that.


I don't get it. I'm not really attracted to her, (not to be mean) she's not as good attractive as

my GF is. ANNND. . . for one thing: She's Lesbian ANNNND. . .for another thing: she hardly ever talks to me

and we don't really have an open friendship. She can be moody and ignore me at family functions or whatever.

Recently she's been warming up to me and we've been talking more but still weird.



Am I somehow attracted to her though? or are they just silly dreams? I don't get it??

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Dreams are never silly. Dreams have alot to do with what is going on in our waking lives. Sometimes though, our dreams can mean the opposite of what we think. You stated that you have had many dreams about her, thats what we call a recurring dream. Let me explain what that is...A recurring dream deals with some aspect of your life that hasn't been resolved or laid to rest. It usually deals with a loss-perhaps of a relationship of some form of pleasure. Once the issue has been resolved the repetitive dream should stop. Dreams are repeated because their message wasn't received or understood.


Bascially it doesn't have anything to do with your g/f's sister. Try to think of a time in your life, be it past or present that has not been laid to rest, once you do the dream should stop. Yes we all have fantasy dreams as well, however because this is a recurring dream, it has to do with something that hasn't been delt with. Best of luck.

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I think it could mean a lot of things.

You said she was a lesbian. Is that maybe a fantasy of yours. Not to be with your GF's sister, but for you GF to be with another woman?

It could be the wanting her to accept you.

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