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I keep dreaming I'm being abused


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What does it mean to have recurrent dreams from time to time about being abused held against will at a young age or someone trying to drown you?


In my dream (which I only see blurry images, not the whole complete picture), I'm always a little girl and a stranger is either abusing me or pushing me into a pool but I always end up waking up. I never get to finish what I'm dreaming about.


A couple days ago, my bf had to wake me up. He asked if I was ok, to which I said yes. Then he explained how I kept repeating the name Carl over and over again and then saying no, please don't. I have no recollection of a Carl nor what I said when he told me this.


I have no memory of being abused but yet dream about it and seems like it actually took place at some point. Did it?

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I clearly don't remembered anything. I told my parents and others about it and they all say it was just a bad dream.


I get that part but why it's it the same dream and whenever it tries to go further, I end up waking up. This has been going on for about a year now. Does it wants me to remember?

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I have no memory of being abused but yet dream about it and seems like it actually took place at some point. Did it?


Not necessarily. There is a lot of evidence of false memory or secret desires resurfacing this way.

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Have you considered hypnotherapy?
If it helps bring me back whatever memories were left over, yes I will consider it. Does this always work?
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I personally found it very helpful with an issue I had about 25 years ago. I needed 4 sessions... It depends on you ability to let your subconscious open up.....


Hypnotherapy is a safe practice.

You would never be able to 'step' into realms that would ahrm you. And it can't 'make' you do what would be against your nature to do, in a fully 'awake' state; for example, you couldn't hypnotise a catholic Nun and get her to knife someone....! (Bit extreme, but you get the gist.!)


You control your psyche. The hypnotherapist merely leads and conducts....Your doctor may know of a good therapist, or ask via word of mouth.

Always go by referrals, but remember, it also depends on the person's receptivity.

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I've suffered recurrent nightmares based on a sexual assault where I was ALMOST raped. The nightmares began afterward, and in every one I wake up right before being raped, so I would say you might be experiencing a flashback.


How often have you been having these dreams? Since childhood?

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