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Boyfriend and a Best Friend

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I have a boyfriend, a really serious dating thing boyfriend. I dated him for nearly 2 years this month. I love him so much that sometimes I dont know wether Im just used to having him around, also maybe I just need him to much that im afraid to be alone, or yes I love him too much. Because considering the truth, I am the "easily-bored" type of girl. My relationship went well and bumpy just like usual relationships but until then I entered college and I met this guy, he is good looking, good style, we got a lot of things in common that made us into buddies now. I got too comfort that I feel like I want to be around him every time more than I want to be with my boyfriend. When I'm around him I feel like being me, all the laughs and stuff. Also for him, the way he looks into my eyes, he cant lie. But he's not into me, I know his type of girls. Hes just feeling the way I feel about him. But if I put it into a situation where I'm single, I surely dont want to date him. Confusing right?:( Any advice?

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I have a boyfriend, a really serious dating thing boyfriend. I dated him for nearly 2 years this month. I love him so much that sometimes I dont know wether Im just used to having him around, also maybe I just need him to much that im afraid to be alone, or yes I love him too much. Because considering the truth, I am the "easily-bored" type of girl. My relationship went well and bumpy just like usual relationships but until then I entered college and I met this guy, he is good looking, good style, we got a lot of things in common that made us into buddies now. I got too comfort that I feel like I want to be around him every time more than I want to be with my boyfriend. When I'm around him I feel like being me, all the laughs and stuff. Also for him, the way he looks into my eyes, he cant lie. But he's not into me, I know his type of girls. Hes just feeling the way I feel about him. But if I put it into a situation where I'm single, I surely dont want to date him. Confusing right?:( Any advice?


Not really.

It's a crush, a different kind of attention, someone who isn't your BF, but who nevertheless is flattering your ego....


T3h L337 d00d asks a pertinent question: Read your post dispassionately and in a detached way. What would you tell the OP to do?













O/T: (By the way, T3h L337 d00d, take it as read that from hereon, I will refer to you as 'TLd'..... Your forum handle is just.....ugh! to keep typing!! :D )

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So wait your boyfriend IS your best friend right? Or if there 2 different people I would suggest don't alter anything if nothing is going on... Don't try to change the situation to make it more complicated than it is. Cuz, if you do then you know things will become more complicated than what it is already

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If you want it to work with your BF you need to cut all ties with this new guy. This happened because you let it. As soon as you felt attracted to the new guy you should have nipped it in the bud and refocused yourself to your boyfriend.

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