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Should I change from friends to courtship? And what should I do next?

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Few weeks back, I broke up with my girlfriend. Since then, there's one girl in my class who has been "playing"/flirting with me until today. She phoned me for two consecutive days and I also took the initiative to call her occasionally. We are getting along well.


So I'm asking for advices if I should woo her.


There is two reasons that makes me so confuse and hesitate. First, flirting with boys has always been a part of her life. She always does it. If I'm wrong (she is really just flirting me for the fun of it), we may never be friends like now. Second, my previous relationship had gave me alot of stress and problems. I don't wanna repeat it. :(


BUT there is also another side that pushes me to woo her. I feel that she treats me a little different from other boys. She likes to call me for any help and not other boys. She will sit beside with me when I'm alone. When I'm quiet, she will ask me if I'm alright. Other boys didn't get to enjoy these. :D


I think I should strike the iron when it's hot. But sometimes, I will ask myself that maybe she is treating me as her very very good friend that is why i get those special treatment and attention?


Could anyone help me?

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hey there! er well regards the girl, i reckon she really likes you.


Were you friends whilst you were with your gf? If yes then she probably liked you then... woteva she likes you, probably has done for a while and now its her chance to get with you.


But you say its only a few weeks since you split with ur gf, so might you just be on a 'rebound'? i'm sure this girl wouldn't appreciate being the rebound girl. so maybe leave it a couple more weeks - whats the rush?


If however she does just like you as a special friend then you couldn't lose anything by mentioning what it would be like if you 2 were together??


petal x

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haha, a rebound girl? I won't treat any girl this way. It's bad.


And you suggest that I could mention how it will be like if we two are together to her? Is this some kind of hinting you are telling me to do? Are you sure it will be absolutely fine? How should I go about hinting her?

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