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For Tony

Rachel the 2nd (formerly Rachel)

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Rachel the 2nd (formerly Rachel)

Dear Tony


To prevent you from further humiliation; I am not going to continue with my professional, factual and realistic appraisal of the discourteous and fallacious claptrap you posted in response to mine.


As I am an empathetic person I will not even mentioned the post involved.


Kind regards


Rachel the 2nd

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FIRE (formaly Rachel the 1st)

Dear Rachel,


I am sorry that you had a clash with Tony. I respect and admire some of the advice he gives out, but would have to agree with you that he occasionally projects his own subjective opinions onto us sometimes, and often fails to recognize that there are grey areas as opposed to black and white.


I don't always express myself as well as Tony, but I have legitimate opinions and a voice that is worthy of being heard too. Just because he answers most of the posts doesn't mean to say his opinions are the best ones, especially the advice that he often gives to people like, "DUMP HIM IMMEDIATELY" when a partener isn't performing up to standard. Tony has to realize that life and relationships are more complicated than just the simple options of "Stay or leave". Often the issue is more complex than choosing to STAY or to LEAVE.


Giving advice such as DUMP HIM is a simplistic, crass cop-out "pop psychology" method that is not complete.


I'm glad you recognized Tony's weaknesses as well.


FIRE (formerly Rachel 1st)

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Many of your posts show compassion, thoughtfulness, and a well-spoken intelligence. Please ladies, lift yourselves above the mean level at which you are wandering right now.


Opinions are just opinions. Take them or leave them. Tony has been the first to defend the right of any post-er to embrace or ignore the advice offered on this forum.


Your continued hammering at him is wearing thin, appearing immature, and has a rather cruel taste to it. You are both much better people than what your recent posts represent you to be.


I look forward to more of your spirited responses, knowing you have both conquered personal demons that will be of great help to the people who come here seeking help.


Please be kind.


Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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I agree whole-heartedly with Taressa. Tony is but one of the many who come to offer their opinions here, and his unique opinion should be considered along with the many others.


I, for one, am thankful for those who take the time to post here, as the advice I have received from the likes of Tony, Taressa, Deejette, The Truth, Oliver, Billy the Kid, Wise Old Woman, and many, many others has greatly enriched my life (albeit on company time LOL).


Please ladies, feel free to respectfully disagree, but the mean-spiritedness is just not necessary, and goes against the goals of what we all hope to acheive on the forum. Tony is not God, and therefore will likely be incorrect some of the time. But he does have alot of people who respect him here, and we would hope that Rachel 1,2,3,4, AND Rachel #5 will contribute to their fullest capacity that we have seen they are certainly capable of.


Thanks, guys!



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People come to the LoveShack with real problems and people reach out to them to help or share their own experiences because they care and they have "been there."


Tony tells it like he sees it. Being an intelligent person, he doesn't expect everyone to agree with him. But he has helped many people get clear in their own heads about what they want to do to to alleviate their pain.


Taking pot-shots at him is not a good thing. You may disagree with his points but don't attack him personally.


The raw human mind is continously trying to prove that it is always right and everyone else is wrong, for survival purposes. That can be amusing up to a point, but we must recognize this all-too-human trait and get a handle on it. Shooting people down is not a practical way to deal with life or love. You will be RIGHT, but you will be alone, unloved, uncherished, yet you will be eternally right in your own mind.


Dear Tony To prevent you from further humiliation; I am not going to continue with my professional, factual and realistic appraisal of the discourteous and fallacious claptrap you posted in response to mine. As I am an empathetic person I will not even mentioned the post involved. Kind regards Rachel the 2nd
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