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Ladies, does it bother you when a guy won't make the plans for a date?


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This isn't quite as bad as that, it's more like, I dunno, laziness and maybe mostly dating women who'll drop everything for them? They usually learn fast, it's just frustrating and frankly i'm finding it really insulting right now - like "oh so you don't think i have any social life except for you?! It's freakin Valentines day! Thanks a bajillion sunshine!!". Freaking lazy little mamas boys!


I feel your pain!


There is this guy I am into (we're not dating though), and he recently said in a conversation, "I'm a planner" during a discussion about vacations. And I swear I got weak in the knees. :love::laugh:

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Yes. In fact, it's a dealbreaker for me. I almost dumped my fiance over it.


Listen, you know how most people go to work, clock in, do what they got to do and clock out? That's not me. I own the company, so I am literally planning things, directing, organizing, time managing, meeting, blah blah blah ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I own the company. I don't get to clock. If someone needs me at 6am, I pick up my phone. If things go wrong while I'm vacation, vacation ends. I plan, organize, schedule, brain storm ALL DAY.


Then I FINALLY get some 'off time' and some dude wants to step to me all, "so what do you want to do?"


I want to change it up and NOT run the show for a change. Oh, does that bother you? Then go date a twit who works at McDonald's.


My fiance used to be the "spontaneous" sort who thought he could call me up and ask me if I wanted to do "something" that night.


I said, "listen, you know my schedule is very busy and very hectic, so if you can't be bothered to call me up in advance and make specific plans with me for a specific day, then don't bother at all. We won't work."


Now we're engaged and he's doing the most romantic thing ever for me: planning the wedding.

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