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Missed an opportunity....

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This is a rather strange situation but there's this one girl I fancy. Here's the story, I've been taking this 5-week summer classes at a college University. It was until the 3rd week that I began to notice this one girl and eventually became very fond of her. However, I was unable to have the guts to go up to her and talk to her. Oddly enough, I was able to get her email address, at least I think it's hers, while both of us were in the computer lab. This happened in the 4th week. I was planning on approaching her on the last day of class, but she left early and I was unable to talk to her. Now that classes are over, I'm afraid I missed the opportunity to talk to her ever. Summer is here and I'm not sure if I'll see her again, and I can't seem to stop thining about her. What should I do? Do you think I should send her an email to her, even though we've never spoken to each other or know each other? I'm afraid if I email her, it might be the wrong person or just get a cold-like shoulder? I also am not sure what to put in the email, and that's if I do an email. What should I do?

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well, it is certainly a odd situation....you "finding her email" while in her computer lab. she might be weirded out by you sending her a letter.


but still, like you said you may never see her again. You have absolutly nothing to loose.


If she replies, then you are the luckiest guy in the world, if she doesnt then it was the wrong adress.

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