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What if you're not attracted to your league?


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Eternal Sunshine
I said halfway decent looking girls.



So it's OK for you to call fat girls not decent looking and yet it's not OK for girls to be turned off by short guys? :confused:

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So it's OK for you to call fat girls not decent looking and yet it's not OK for girls to be turned off by short guys? :confused:

Sorry, I don't think that girls 50+ lbs overweight are decent looking. Being fat completely changes a persons appearance.


Being short doesn't. If my legs were two inches longer, I'd still look exactly the same.

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How do you come to the conclusion that there is no point?


Women don't want every guy, or just any guy. You could be the guy she wants :bunny: But first you have to show her your charming, attractive qualities (I know you have them!)


Dude, that requires effort and action. How dare you suggest that! ;-)


...but you're right.

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40 Fonzarelli

People will settle, what else? Eventually we get tired of looking and just want to settle down. Not the most optimistic way of looking at things but its reality. Or just wait and wait until you hit the jackpot. But there's a good amount of ugly guys out there with hotties. Women are attracted to money, power, and fame. Can't say the same the other way around. Men for the most part don't care if a woman has money, but she has to be hot. So it's a worse scenario for women.

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So it's OK for you to call fat girls not decent looking and yet it's not OK for girls to be turned off by short guys? :confused:



Ladies, ladies. We've been over and over this numerous times. The standards of girls, particularly if they exclude short guys, are "stupid."


Also, overweight girls "don't count," evidently not even as human beings.


Do you understand? Finally?

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Sorry about that, I had 37 in my head for some reason. I apologize. Either way, don't take fashion tips from folks closer to their teens than your own age.

I honestly do think you're a good guy. You've just gotten yourself so convinced that the way you're seeing things is the way things really are that you can't get past your loopy thoughts on the matter. There's nothing anyone can say or do to make this better.


Meh... The guy had a good point he just put it in a very superficial way. Your advice is equally terrible in the opposite direction.


Most women respond well to men dressing well. Particularly women who live in urban settings. Trying to get women with a rich sounding brand like Gucci is a poor way to look at it. I would say it's better to be in fashion for your target audience and wear clothes that compliment your body type. Also, combine with good grooming and whatever interpersonal skills you can improve upon. Know your target... if you want to date Hipster type girls, wear purple leggings, an appropriately ironic t-shirt, and some non-rx glasses.


So it's OK for you to call fat girls not decent looking and yet it's not OK for girls to be turned off by short guys? :confused:


Technically it's Ok for both. However, I think we should point out that fat guys have just as hard a time dating as fat girls... actually much worse. Additionally, a person can just eat less and lose weight vs. height which is mostly genetic.

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OK, we don't have to go over the definition of leagues. That's been done before. But here's a new scenario.


Let's say, you're close to the bottom of the food chain, and you are not physically attracted to those in your league. You're a man or a woman.


Now, what do you do? :eek:

If you're not attracted to your league, you just may be alone for a long time.

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Read MY comment.


Weight can be changed.


If anything, a better comparison would be ugly girls to short/ugly guys....since one would have to go to great lengths to change those things. Go to the gym a few times a week and eat right....and *poof*....no longer fat.

Yes and the stupid mind set that short guys have a hard time dating if they didn't live in their own woo me world can change to.

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Read MY comment.


Weight can be changed.


If anything, a better comparison would be ugly girls to short/ugly guys....since one would have to go to great lengths to change those things. Go to the gym a few times a week and eat right....and *poof*....no longer fat.


IT DOES NOT MATTER. People like what they like, and there is no reason why anyone's preferences should be more worthy of respect than someone else's.


It's fine to not want to date fat people, and it's fine to not want to date short people - older people - ugly people - redheads - certain races - whatever.


Anyone who has preferences of their own is out of line for criticizing other people's preferences.

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IT DOES NOT MATTER. People like what they like, and there is no reason why anyone's preferences should be more worthy of respect than someone else's.


It's fine to not want to date fat people, and it's fine to not want to date short people - older people - ugly people - redheads - certain races - whatever.


Anyone who has preferences of their own is out of line for criticizing other people's preferences.

People can criticize whatever the hell they want to.

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The grammatical errors here make me want to hit myself in the face with a hammer.


I'll refrain though....

Go ahead.


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IT DOES NOT MATTER. People like what they like, and there is no reason why anyone's preferences should be more worthy of respect than someone else's.


It's fine to not want to date fat people, and it's fine to not want to date short people - older people - ugly people - redheads - certain races - whatever.


Anyone who has preferences of their own is out of line for criticizing other people's preferences.

Anybody can have whatever preferences they want, but nobody is guaranteed that they will meet someone who satifies those preferences.

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Okay I will....but only if you agree to take a writing class before posting again. Deal?


I don't care if you understand what I say.

Plus remind me to take ls seriously.

I forgot how serious this was.

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Because I'll have to report you if you're not going to take this seriously :laugh:

To the grammar police?


"Take me to jail!

Lock me up!

Throw away the key!

I ain't afraid to .."


Report away.:rolleyes:

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IT DOES NOT MATTER. People like what they like, and there is no reason why anyone's preferences should be more worthy of respect than someone else's.

It's fine to not want to date fat people, and it's fine to not want to date short people - older people - ugly people - redheads - certain races - whatever.

Anyone who has preferences of their own is out of line for criticizing other people's preferences.


Would you support a company making hiring decisions based on this kind of thinking? We are hiring for customer service people - Redheads and fatties need not apply!


I agree with you that people should be allowed to create personal relationships based on whatever criteria they want. However, that doesn't mean we should give people a blank check to be as cruel and capricious as they want.


If a business doesn't have hiring practices I support... then I voice my opinion and boycott. I don't see anything different within this area of life.

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OK, we don't have to go over the definition of leagues. That's been done before. But here's a new scenario.


Let's say, you're close to the bottom of the food chain, and you are not physically attracted to those in your league. You're a man or a woman.


Now, what do you do? :eek:



  • Go for the women you find attractive.
  • Work on making yourself more attractive.
  • Use the search function to save you from having to repeat a well-worn topic on this board.

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Leagues do not exist to those who choose to think a different way.


They still know that a super model will not normally be drawn to an anattractive, or even average, at face value.


They just place SO little importance in it.


..........It is an entirely different way of thinking, that is extremely rewarding than your standard way of viewing "leagues"

Edited by Leigh 87
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OK, we don't have to go over the definition of leagues. That's been done before. But here's a new scenario.


Let's say, you're close to the bottom of the food chain, and you are not physically attracted to those in your league. You're a man or a woman.


Now, what do you do? :eek:


You make an effort to get into a higher league. It is kind of easy for males because their league depends on their incomes unless they are still in high school or college.

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Eternal Sunshine
That isn't entirely true. There is a dating hierarchy to a degree it just isn't rigid or inflexible. So, while you can't pretend you are more attractive and thus become it... you can do things to be more attractive and increase your types of attractiveness.



I agree with this. Pretending that leagues don't exist is a bit naive. Studies have shown that most people marry someone of equal attractiveness to themselves. If you watch couples, they will be in the same ball park. Many people get unrequited crushes on people out of their league and waste time and emotions.


Anybody can do something to improve their attractiveness. I would start with a gym.

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