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What if you're not attracted to your league?


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Fashion cues from Jersey Shore or Fashion cues from a modern/trendy/good looking generation in a high league of attractiveness? That's hardly Jersey Shore...


But again... it's all you're opinion: just like you think being 21 makes me a "child", I'm comfortable with that fact that your distorted and quite bitter version of reality doesn't represent actual reality...


You're opinion is of zero significance to me because of the subject and age difference, as mine is to you.

I just wasn't aware that the OP is so old... so yeah I guess my first post doesn't apply to the OP specifically... but it certainly applies to the question put forward by the OP, at least for my generation.


Not to nit pick, but as someone closer to your "generation", seems it's only your jimmies that have been rustled, not her's.. You don't really know if she's bitter, but you're assuming and trying to talk down on her. She's always seemed pretty damn level headed and optimistic to me.

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its a lifestyle
Not to nit pick, but as someone closer to your "generation", seems it's only your jimmies that have been rustled, not her's.. You don't really know if she's bitter, but you're assuming and trying to talk down on her. She's always seemed pretty damn level headed and optimistic to me.


I know she's bitter due to her discrediting my youth, describing me as a "child" being 21 years old, and airing her unwarranted distaste for the style of my generation...


All I have done is simply respond to her hot air with logical responses...


She's right, my first post had no credibility being directed at the OP personally, considering the his age, but I was unaware of that to begin with.


The rest of what she said: bias preference and opinion based on HER age and HER generation, which she is entitled to... but attempting to discredit MY opinion based on MY age and generation... she certainly isn't entitled to do that.

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its a lifestyle
LMAO!! No dear, it's because I...like the OP... am a grown up. I don't "do" leagues. Trust me when I tell you, this poster does not need the advice you've given. He'll look like a poseur, a pimp, and a fool. Chicks do not dig this. This "trendy" style is not appropriate for men who want to look like men. There are plenty of things he could probably do to improve his presentation but donning the pimp/poof gear isn't going to get him into any "league" other than Powder Puff.


You'd be wise to be careful about your assumptions. Just judging by your post, and the recommendations you've made, it's clear you're unaware of where you really fall in the "food chain"... or whatever goofy little hierarchy you think exists. Real men don't need to plaster labels all over themselves to attract women. ;)


I'm well past the grey side of 40 actually... the OP is creeping up on it. He doesn't need to do anything other than get over this stupid idea of leagues. You're a child, and your advice may well work for other children, but what you're suggesting here will do nothing more than create embarrassment for OP should he be so foolish as to take your advice.


Nobody asked whether you cared about my opinion about your generation. I have children your age, I hear the silliness you're suggesting all the time. The OP is closer to my age. As a woman close to his demographic, I have some sense of what women our age find appealing. Most of us don't find what you've described attractive, at all. Well-groomed, well turned out men in this age group know better than to take fashion cues from Jersey Shore. The OP wants to improve his dating options, not destroy them.


Okay, so why don't you review all that you've said. You've been nothing but rude and dismissive. I know the OPs age, you didn't. I responded to your initial post to spare him what would be wasted time considering your thoughts on these matters.


Now, if you look at your tone with me, I think you'll see you've been quite nasty. The fact that I do know who we're dealing with here and am discrediting your advice on that basis does not make me bitter. Your advice is not appropriate in this case. If you think this "trendy" style will improve the social standing of other boys your age, great. It still isn't applicable here.


Everything I said were responses to the provocative statements above in bold...


Oh wait, it's all bold... go figure.

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She basically said that leagues are an immature, counter productive, self-limiting way of thinking, especially for a man who is nearly middle aged and in an age group less concerned about petty crap like how fashionable someone is rather than what kind of person they are and their subtle mannerisms and "aura", or vibe or overall package or whatever..


I don't see how she really disrespected you, any more than you've disrespected her. You're both even, but you seem to be dragging it out for some reason. No need to get emotional over something so silly.


If I was you and I knew I was right, I wouldn't bother responding to a total stranger on a message board who as far as I'm concerned is too far gone to see eye to eye with me.. They have no direct influence on my physical reality. Their views do not affect me, so why bother, when it doesn't bother me?


Worry about saying these things when some older woman tries to make you look stupid on the check out line as you try to give your 40 year old virgin uncle advice about how to reach for the stars. THEN you say "excuse me, mam, but do you even get the D? you're past your expiration date, that **** probably got cobwebs all up in thurr, daaayyyamm, fo reelz"

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Everything I said were responses to the provocative statements above in bold...


Oh wait, it's all bold... go figure.


If you don't want to be spoken of us as child, then quit acting like one. It's really that simple. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but 21-year-old guys are typically very immature, which is why a lot of 21-year-old women go for older men.


Be a man. Realize that your advice was not good. It's not insulting to admit that you gave the wrong advice to someone of a different age and background. If you really want to look bad, keep up with your argument. You've created a battle where there is none.

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no one's ever at stage 4, unless they choose to. My friend's grandfather fell inlove - he was 80 - with an Australian woman. Head over heels. Went to visit her, a couple of times. Died some time ago - happy too. It's never too late to fall in love and be in love. Stage 4 is in one's head, after they've given up living and fighting.

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its a lifestyle


I believe that Lifestyle, like myself, has only recently entered stage 3, while OP and Monica are well into stage 4. So they would obviously require drastically different advice.


hahaha goodness gracious..


Old people


We're so getting infractions :p

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Truthfully, I am not even mildly annoyed. I just know the OP has been banging this same drum forever and I made the mistake of responding to what appears to have been a well meaning, though misguided, post. I had a horrible mental picture of some beaten down middle-aged dude walking around with his shades perched on his head sporting some goofy, shiny Prada pimp shoes. Oh well, nm...


I'm still at stage one...or whatever the stage is where you don't give a poop.


Carry on...


(ST I know you have the good sense not to follow those suggestions either, you have wisdom beyond your years)


You realize that there's beer in stage 3 right?

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You realize that there's beer in stage 3 right?


That's the stage I wanted to be at when I was in all of the stages before it.. And now I want to be at that stage forever. :love:

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My bad! I'm totally stage 3! grrrrrrrrr, rawwwr (that's three right?)


I was gonna say--is there any other stage? I don't recall. ;-)

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OK, we don't have to go over the definition of leagues. That's been done before. But here's a new scenario.


Let's say, you're close to the bottom of the food chain, and you are not physically attracted to those in your league. You're a man or a woman.


Now, what do you do? :eek:


Maybe stop whining? Stop posting the same thread over and over?

Go do something to move up a few "leagues"?


No? Right... go start ANOTHER pointless thread.

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The idea of leagues is for those with no imagination and no real confidence. And who are still in high school. Let it go, and look for someone who is compatible with you, period.

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BTW, I don't know who Bar Raefeli is, but I just googled her, and she is HIDEOUS! Wow, finally proof that looks are subjective and there's somebody for everybody! What have I been thinking this whole time? :p






Just joshing. She's not exactly my type, but very attractive.






WOW! I looked at the hideous part and HAD to say something!


man, that girl is STUNNING! She is one of the most beautiful women int he world to me.



Not that I am into girls or anything!

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Truthfully, I am not even mildly annoyed. I just know the OP has been banging this same drum forever and I made the mistake of responding to what appears to have been a well meaning, though misguided, post. I had a horrible mental picture of some beaten down middle-aged dude walking around with his shades perched on his head sporting some goofy, shiny Prada pimp shoes. Oh well, nm...


I'm still at stage one...or whatever the stage is where you don't give a poop.


Carry on...


(ST I know you have the good sense not to follow those suggestions either, you have wisdom beyond your years)


I was picturing Emodad


[image - 97010] | Emo Dad | Know Your Meme


Emo Dad | Know Your Meme

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Yes leagues do exist.


I've basically been told (by women) that if a girl above average in looks, she can get any guy she wants and that there is no point in trying to pursue her.


It really sucks seeing women every day that I know I will never have a chance with. That really only is a man issue. Women don't look at a guy and think that he's out of her league. As long as the girl is halfway decent looking, she can pretty much date any guy she wants as long as he's single. And even then that won't always stop somebody.

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Some people operate like that. "Not in my league" is code for "I am close minded".


It's not a hard and fast rule. Anyone with half a brain realizes they can be attracted to or with someone who is better or worse looking, richer or poorer, and all kinds of other variables.


If "leagues" were a real thing, some of the people who end up with some of the people they end up wouldn't end up with some of those people.

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I've basically been told (by women) that if a girl above average in looks, she can get any guy she wants and that there is no point in trying to pursue her.


How do you come to the conclusion that there is no point?


Women don't want every guy, or just any guy. You could be the guy she wants :bunny: But first you have to show her your charming, attractive qualities (I know you have them!)

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